Before you start reading, to help you understand my issue, I am telling that I have copied the code from this link: Dijkstra Shortest Path with VertexList = ListS in boost graph
So.. I am rewriting my program code to use boost, but now when 99% is ready I am stuck with my GPS (for a game). I have a list of nodes, which I added in a way which fortunately was easy to convert to the boost method. The thing I needed to do was just create a vertice variable like this:
Vertex Vx[MAX_NODES];我从我所提供的链接复制的类型定义。
I copied the typedefs from the link I have given.
The way I add vertices is this:
stringstream s; s << i; Vx[i] = add_vertex(s.str(),dgraph);其中的i等于一个整数。 (例如int i = 9)
Where "i" equals an integer number. (eg int i = 9)
和eges也很容易添加。现在,我有一个名为xNode我自己的结构化数组。和例如:xNode [I]适用于X Y Z轴位置的节点的所有信息(xNode [I] .X xNode [I] .Y等)。
And eges are also easy to add. Now, I have my own structured array called "xNode". and eg : xNode[i] holds all the information for X Y Z positions (xNode[i].X xNode[i].Y etc) of the nodes.
Now when using the code snippet from the link I have done this:
// Write shortest path std::cout << "Shortest path from " << startid << " to " << endid << ":" << std::endl; float totalDistance = 0; for(PathType::reverse_iterator pathIterator = path.rbegin(); pathIterator != path.rend(); ++pathIterator) { std::cout << source(*pathIterator, dgraph) << " -> " << target(*pathIterator, dgraph) << " = " << get( boost::edge_weight, dgraph, *pathIterator ) << std::endl; }这是我在哪里卡住了,为源(*的PathIterator,DGraph组件)和目标(*的PathIterator,DGraph组件)获取地址,但我需要的顶点索引访问xNode [I],i为节点ID(或井水的顶点ID | Vx的[I])。我该怎么做?
And this is where I am stuck, as "source(*pathIterator, dgraph)" and "target(*pathIterator, dgraph) " Get addresses, but I need the vertice indexes to access xNode[i], i is the NodeID (or well the vertice ID | Vx[i]). How can I do that?
I tried to do:
for(PathType::reverse_iterator pathIterator = path.rbegin(); pathIterator != path.rend(); ++pathIterator) { for(int i = 0; i < MAX_NODES; ++i) { if(source(*pathIterator, dgraph) == *((Vertex*)Vx[i])) { cout << " " << i << " " << endl; break; } } }不过这只是崩溃。
but this just crashes..
推荐答案随着的typedef 期从这个问题,你可以使用 GET(升压::的vertex_index,DGraph组件,v)获得诉的索引。您也可以使用缓存属性映射:
With the typedefs from that question, you can use get(boost::vertex_index, dgraph, v) to get the index of v. You can also cache the property map using:
IndexMap vi = get(boost::vertex_index, dgraph);然后用 GET(VI,V)来获得指数v 。