
我的代码的时间复杂度不是O(n + m)吗?

本文介绍了我的代码的时间复杂度不是O(n + m)吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述


double findMedianSortedArrays(int * nums1,int nums1Size,int * nums2,int nums2Size){int * new =(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*(nums1Size + nums2Size));int i = 0;int count1 = 0;int count2 = 0;if(nums1Size + nums2Size == 1){if(nums1Size == 1)返回* nums1;别的返回* nums2;}否则if(nums1Size == 0){if((nums2Size& 0x1)== 0)return(double)(nums2 [nums2Size/2-1] + nums2 [nums2Size/2])/2;别的返回(double)nums2 [nums2Size/2];}否则if(nums2Size == 0){if((nums1Size& 0x1)== 0)return(double)(nums1 [nums1Size/2-1] + nums1 [nums1Size/2])/2;别的返回(double)nums1 [nums1Size/2];}while(i!=(nums1Size + nums2Size)){if((nums1 [count1 == nums1Size?count1-1:count1]> nums2 [count2 == nums2Size?count2-1:count2]&&(count2)!= nums2Size)||(count1)== nums1Size){*(new + i)= *(nums2 + count2);count2 ++;}别的{*(new + i)= *(nums1 + count1);count1 ++;}i ++;}if((((nums1Size + nums2Size)& 0x1)== 0){return(double)(new [(nums1Size + nums2Size)/2-1] + new [(nums1Size + nums2Size)/2])/2;}别的返回(double)new [(nums1Size + nums2Size)/2];}


问题是,即使在C中有很多提交的代码带有O(log(m + n)),但我认为我的代码的时间复杂度是O(m + n).因此根据分布图,我的代码在Leetcode上排名前2%是没有道理的.当然,对于少量输入而言,线性比对数更快,但是测试用例足够大,可以被O(log(m + n))击败.我不知道为什么我的代码以这种速度通过.



在我的最高注释中:在函数开始时分配 new .如果执行任何提早转义" return 语句,则会泄漏内存.

那么我是否必须在每个 return 语句中放入 free()?或者我该如何修正我的代码?

直到 早期逃逸的最高代码段之后,才执行 malloc .

然后,在底部执行 free .为此,您需要一个额外的变量来保存返回值,以便可以安全地执行 free(new)(例如 double retval; )

旁注:用 new [i] 替换(例如) *(new + i)通常比较干净.另外,将代码保持为< = 80个字符/行也是一种很好的样式.


doublefindMedianSortedArrays(int * nums1,int nums1Size,int * nums2,int nums2Size){int * new;我int count1 = 0;int count2 = 0;两次撤回;如果(nums1Size + nums2Size == 1){如果(nums1Size == 1)返回* nums1;别的返回* nums2;}如果(nums1Size == 0){如果((nums2Size& 0x1)== 0)返回(双精度)(nums2 [nums2Size/2-1] +nums2 [nums2Size/2])/2;别的返回nums2 [nums2Size/2];}如果(nums2Size == 0){如果((nums1Size& 0x1)== 0)return(double)(nums1 [nums1Size/2-1] +nums1 [nums1Size/2])/2;别的返回(双精度)nums1 [nums1Size/2];}//仅在确定要使用时才分配它新= malloc(sizeof(int)*(nums1Size + nums2Size));对于(i = 0; i!=(nums1Size + nums2Size); ++ i){if(((nums1 [count1 == nums1Size?count1-1-count1]>nums2 [count2 == nums2Size?count2-1:count2]&&(count2)!= nums2Size)||(count1)== nums1Size){new [i] = nums2 [count2];count2 ++;}别的 {new [i] = nums1 [count1];count1 ++;}}如果((((nums1Size + nums2Size)& 0x1)== 0){retval =(double)(new [(nums1Size + nums2Size)/2-1] +new [(nums1Size + nums2Size)/2])/2;}别的retval =(double)new [(nums1Size + nums2Size)/2];免费(新);返回retval;}

但是,就我个人而言,我不喜欢函数中的多个 return 语句.[使用 gdb ]调试起来比较困难,因为您必须在每个 return 上设置一个断点.

这里是使用 do {...} while(0); 作为一次通过"循环的版本,它使我们可以消除 if/else 阶梯"逻辑(我个人也不喜欢),底部只有一个单 return .YMMV ...

doublefindMedianSortedArrays(int * nums1,int nums1Size,int * nums2,int nums2Size){int * new = NULL;int i = 0;int count1 = 0;int count2 = 0;两次撤回;做 {如果(nums1Size + nums2Size == 1){如果(nums1Size == 1)retval = * nums1;别的retval = * nums2;休息;}如果(nums1Size == 0){如果((nums2Size& 0x1)== 0)retval =(double)(nums2 [nums2Size/2-1] +nums2 [nums2Size/2])/2;别的retval = nums2 [nums2Size/2];休息;}如果(nums2Size == 0){如果((nums1Size& 0x1)== 0)retval =(double)(nums1 [nums1Size/2-1] +nums1 [nums1Size/2])/2;别的retval =(double)nums1 [nums1Size/2];休息;}//仅在确定要使用时才分配它新= malloc(sizeof(int)*(nums1Size + nums2Size));为(; i!=(nums1Size + nums2Size); ++ i){if(((nums1 [count1 == nums1Size?count1-1-count1]>nums2 [count2 == nums2Size?count2-1:count2]&&(count2)!= nums2Size)||(count1)== nums1Size){new [i] = nums2 [count2];count2 ++;}别的 {new [i] = nums1 [count1];count1 ++;}}如果((((nums1Size + nums2Size)& 0x1)== 0){retval =(double)(new [(nums1Size + nums2Size)/2-1] +new [(nums1Size + nums2Size)/2])/2;}别的retval =(double)new [(nums1Size + nums2Size)/2];}而(0);如果(new!= NULL)免费(新);返回retval;}


谢谢!我明白了您的代码比我的代码更真实!但是您如何看待他们之间的表现呢?( if/else 和 do {...} while(0)).因为如果我们假设编译器可以像我们通常期望的那样工作,那么 if/else 比经过修改的代码中 do {...} 中的if/else 要快.再次非常感谢!




该函数的大部分时间都花在 for 循环中,这两者都是相同的.循环的速度使 do/while 的任何额外开销相形见which,这可能是一两个汇编程序的指令[但是, do/while 的指令却更少].



正如我提到的,很难为具有多个 return 语句的函数添加一个断点.

此外,有时您无法附加调试器.或者,很难找到一个有意义的地方放置断点.例如,如果您的某个程序可以正常运行(例如)几天,然后在(例如)63小时后中止,则可能需要进行内部基准测试和 printf 样式调试:

#ifdef调试#define dbgprint(_fmt)\做 { \printf(_fmt);\}而(0)#别的#define dbgprint(_fmt)\做 { \}而(0)#万一双倍的findMedianSortedArrays(int * nums1,int nums1Size,int * nums2,int nums2Size){两次撤回;dbgprint("findMedianSortedArrays:ENTER nums1Size =%d nums2Size =%d \ n",nums1Size,nums2Size);//... 编码dbgprint("findMediaSortedArrays:EXIT retval =%g \ n",retval);返回retval;}



My code is below :

double findMedianSortedArrays(int* nums1, int nums1Size, int* nums2, int nums2Size){ int* new = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (nums1Size+nums2Size)); int i = 0; int count1 = 0; int count2 = 0; if(nums1Size+nums2Size == 1){ if(nums1Size == 1) return *nums1; else return *nums2; } else if(nums1Size == 0){ if((nums2Size & 0x1) == 0) return (double)(nums2[nums2Size/2-1]+nums2[nums2Size/2])/2; else return (double)nums2[nums2Size/2]; } else if(nums2Size == 0){ if((nums1Size & 0x1) == 0) return (double)(nums1[nums1Size/2-1]+nums1[nums1Size/2])/2; else return (double)nums1[nums1Size/2]; } while(i != (nums1Size+nums2Size)) { if((nums1[count1 == nums1Size ? count1-1:count1] > nums2[count2 == nums2Size ? count2-1:count2] && (count2) != nums2Size) || (count1) == nums1Size) { *(new+i) = *(nums2+count2); count2++; } else{ *(new+i) = *(nums1+count1); count1++; } i++; } if(((nums1Size+nums2Size) & 0x1) == 0){ return (double)(new[(nums1Size+nums2Size)/2 - 1] + new[(nums1Size+nums2Size)/2]) / 2; } else return (double)new[(nums1Size+nums2Size)/2]; }

And below is the submissions's runtime distribution on Leetcode :

The Question is, even if there are a lot of submitted codes with O(log (m+n)) in C but I think my code's Time complexity is O(m+n). so it doesn't make sense that my code is top 2% on Leetcode according to the distribution graph. of course linear is faster than log to a small amount of inputs but the test-cases are enough big to get beaten by O(log (m+n)). I don't know why my code get passed with that rate.

will greatly appreciate your comments!


From my top comment: You allocate new at the start of the function. If any of the "early escape" return statements are executed, you'll leak memory.

So do I have to put free() in every return statement? or how can i fix my code?

Don't do the malloc until after the top block of early escapes.

And, do the free at the bottom. To do this, you'll need an extra variable to hold the return value so you can safely do the free(new) (e.g. double retval;)

Side note: It's usually cleaner to replace (e.g.) *(new + i) with new[i]. Also, holding the code to <= 80 chars / line is also a good style.

Here's one way to fix your code [please pardon the gratuitous style cleanup]:

double findMedianSortedArrays(int *nums1, int nums1Size, int *nums2, int nums2Size) { int *new; int i; int count1 = 0; int count2 = 0; double retval; if (nums1Size + nums2Size == 1) { if (nums1Size == 1) return *nums1; else return *nums2; } if (nums1Size == 0) { if ((nums2Size & 0x1) == 0) return (double) (nums2[nums2Size / 2 - 1] + nums2[nums2Size / 2]) / 2; else return nums2[nums2Size / 2]; } if (nums2Size == 0) { if ((nums1Size & 0x1) == 0) return (double) (nums1[nums1Size / 2 - 1] + nums1[nums1Size / 2]) / 2; else return (double) nums1[nums1Size / 2]; } // allocate this only when you're sure you'll use it new = malloc(sizeof(int) * (nums1Size + nums2Size)); for (i = 0; i != (nums1Size + nums2Size); ++i) { if ((nums1[count1 == nums1Size ? count1 - 1 : count1] > nums2[count2 == nums2Size ? count2 - 1 : count2] && (count2) != nums2Size) || (count1) == nums1Size) { new[i] = nums2[count2]; count2++; } else { new[i] = nums1[count1]; count1++; } } if (((nums1Size + nums2Size) & 0x1) == 0) { retval = (double) (new[(nums1Size + nums2Size) / 2 - 1] + new[(nums1Size + nums2Size) / 2]) / 2; } else retval = (double) new[(nums1Size + nums2Size) / 2]; free(new); return retval; }

But, personally, I dislike multiple return statements in a function. It's harder to debug [using gdb] because you'd have to set a breakpoint on each return.

Here's a version that uses a do { ... } while (0); as a "once through" loop that allows us to eliminate the if/else "ladder" logic [which I also personally dislike] and have only a single return at the bottom. YMMV ...

double findMedianSortedArrays(int *nums1, int nums1Size, int *nums2, int nums2Size) { int *new = NULL; int i = 0; int count1 = 0; int count2 = 0; double retval; do { if (nums1Size + nums2Size == 1) { if (nums1Size == 1) retval = *nums1; else retval = *nums2; break; } if (nums1Size == 0) { if ((nums2Size & 0x1) == 0) retval = (double) (nums2[nums2Size / 2 - 1] + nums2[nums2Size / 2]) / 2; else retval = nums2[nums2Size / 2]; break; } if (nums2Size == 0) { if ((nums1Size & 0x1) == 0) retval = (double) (nums1[nums1Size / 2 - 1] + nums1[nums1Size / 2]) / 2; else retval = (double) nums1[nums1Size / 2]; break; } // allocate this only when you're sure you'll use it new = malloc(sizeof(int) * (nums1Size + nums2Size)); for (; i != (nums1Size + nums2Size); ++i) { if ((nums1[count1 == nums1Size ? count1 - 1 : count1] > nums2[count2 == nums2Size ? count2 - 1 : count2] && (count2) != nums2Size) || (count1) == nums1Size) { new[i] = nums2[count2]; count2++; } else { new[i] = nums1[count1]; count1++; } } if (((nums1Size + nums2Size) & 0x1) == 0) { retval = (double) (new[(nums1Size + nums2Size) / 2 - 1] + new[(nums1Size + nums2Size) / 2]) / 2; } else retval = (double) new[(nums1Size + nums2Size) / 2]; } while (0); if (new != NULL) free(new); return retval; }


thanks! I understood. your code is more clear than mine for real!. but what do you think about the performance between them? ( if/else and do{...}while(0)). because if we assume the compiler would work as we generally expect, if/else is faster than if if which is in do{...} in the revised code. thanks a lot again!

Actually, if we disassemble both versions [compiled with -O2], the do/while version is 4 assembly instructions shorter.

But, in order to tune it, you have to measure it.

The optimizer will pretty much make them similar.

The main bulk of the time of the function is spent in the for loop, which is the same for both. The speed of the loop dwarfs any extra overhead of do/while which might be an assembler instruction or two [but, again the do/while has fewer instructions].

So, tuning/optimizing the prolog/epilog code of the function isn't [usually] worth it. Speeding up the loop is.

To tune/optimize, either do profiling to determine where the code spends the most amount of time [or for something this simple, it's obviously the loop], or add timestamping and get elapsed time on the function [or various subparts].

As I mentioned, it's hard to add a breakpoint for a function that has multiple return statements.

Also, sometimes you can't attach a debugger. Or, it's difficult to find a meaningful place to put a breakpoint. For example, if you have a program that runs fine for (e.g.) days, and then aborts after (e.g.) 63 hours, you may need to do internal benchmarking and printf style debugging:

#ifdef DEBUG #define dbgprint(_fmt) \ do { \ printf(_fmt); \ } while (0) #else #define dbgprint(_fmt) \ do { \ } while (0) #endif double findMedianSortedArrays(int *nums1, int nums1Size, int *nums2, int nums2Size) { double retval; dbgprint("findMedianSortedArrays: ENTER nums1Size=%d nums2Size=%d\n", nums1Size,nums2Size); // ... the code dbgprint("findMediaSortedArrays: EXIT retval=%g\n",retval); return retval; }

It's much easier to insert the debug print statements with the second version.

BTW, I do this sort of thing all the time. And, one of my fortes is fast code and performance improvement [as I do a lot of realtime coding].



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