A(n,m): { if n==m, return(n) else { t = 1; while {n and m are divisible by 2} { t=2t, n = n/2, m=m/2 }; while {n is divisible by 2} n = n/2; while {m is divisible by 2} m=m/2; if n==m, return( t * n) else { k = m - n; while {k is divisible by 2} k=k/2; return( t * A( min(n,m), |k| ) ) } } }
通过形式验证证明代码确实是一项复杂的任务。 接受代码的常用方法因为'足够好'在一组已知输入上运行它,然后将其输出与预期输出进行比较。您可以通过将伪代码转换为实际程序来轻松实现。 Proving code by formal verification is really a complex task. A common way to accept code as 'good enough' is running it on a known set of inputs and then comparing its outputs with the expected ones. You might easily do that by translating the pseudo code into an actual program.