
byte - Flutter Object Box store image from URL - Stack Overflow


Does anyone know how we can store images obtained from a URL to object box ?

This is what i currently have:

class ServiceModel {
  int id = 0;

  final String identifier;

  final String name;
  final String type;
  final String icon; // Keep the URL for reference
  final String language;
  final List<String> emails;
  final int mainContact;

  @Property(type: PropertyType.byte)
  Uint8List? iconData;

  @Property(type: PropertyType.intVector)
  final List<int> otherContacts;

    this.id = 0,
    required this.identifier,
    required this.name,
    required this.type,
    required this.icon,
    required this.emails,
    required this.mainContact,
    required this.otherContacts,
    required this.language,

  // Convert Service to ServiceModel with image download
  static Future<ServiceModel> fromService(
      Service service, String language) async {
    Uint8List? downloadedIconData;
    try {
      print("Downloading image from: ${service.icon}");

      final response = await http.get(Uri.parse(service.icon));
      print("Response status: ${response.statusCode}");
      print("Response body length: ${response.bodyBytes.length}");

      if (response.statusCode == 200) {
        downloadedIconData = response.bodyBytes;
        print("Downloaded image size: ${downloadedIconData.length} bytes");
    } catch (e) {
      print('Failed to download icon for ${service.identifier}: $e');

    final model = ServiceModel(
      identifier: service.identifier,
      name: service.name,
      type: service.type,
      icon: service.icon,
      emails: service.emails,
      mainContact: service.mainContact,
      otherContacts: service.otherContacts,
      language: language,
      iconData: downloadedIconData,

        "ServiceModel created with iconData length: ${model.iconData?.length}");

    return model;

  // Convert ServiceModel to Service
  Service toService() {
    return Service(
      identifier: identifier,
      name: name,
      type: type,
      icon: icon,
      emails: emails,
      mainContact: mainContact,
      otherContacts: otherContacts,
      iconData: iconData,

class MesServiceLocalDataSource implements MesDataSource {
  final Store store;


  Future<List<Service>> getAllServices(String lang) async {
    print("Getting services locally");
    final box = store.box<ServiceModel>();
    final services =

    print("Found ${services.length} services");
    for (var service in services) {
          "Service ${service.identifier} iconData length: ${service.iconData?.length}");

    return services.map((model) => model.toService()).toList();

  Future<void> cacheServices(List<Service> services, String lang) async {
    final box = store.box<ServiceModel>();

    // Delete existing services for this language
    final existingServices =
    box.removeMany(existingServices.map((e) => e.id).toList());

    // Store new services with downloaded images
    final serviceModels = await Future.wait(
        services.map((service) => ServiceModel.fromService(service, lang)));

    print("Storing ${serviceModels.length} services");
        "First service iconData length: ${serviceModels[0].iconData?.length}");


    // Verify storage
    final storedServices = box.getAll();
    print("Stored services count: ${storedServices.length}");
        "First stored service iconData length: ${storedServices[0].iconData?.length}");

The print logs for the cacheServices function gives:

I/flutter (23274): Storing 18 services
I/flutter (23274): First service iconData length: 4571
I/flutter (23274): Stored services count: 18
I/flutter (23274): First stored service iconData length: null

Which means it is trying to save it but when it retrieves it, it becomes null.

Any help is appreciated thanks.



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