I need to redirect my subdomain (blog.site
) to the folder (site/blog
) using Cloudflare workers.
The main site, site is deployed on Netlify where I am using ReactJS. Also, I have deployed the blog using Next.js at blog.site
. All DNS are handled at Cloudflare side using 'CNAME
' Records and pointing to the Netlify routes.
Now I want to point out the subdomain into the folder structure like site/blog
. I have tried myself setting up the Cloudflare worker. But isn't working.
This is my Cloudflare worker's code:
const API_HOST = "picsht/blog"; // Main domain with the /blog path
const ASSET_HOST = "blog.picsht"; // Subdomain for static assets
async function handleRequest(request, ctx) {
const url = new URL(request.url);
const pathname = url.pathname;
const search = url.search;
const pathWithParams = pathname + search;
// Redirect from blog subdomain to the main domain /blog path
if (url.host === "blog.picsht") {
const redirectUrl = `https://${API_HOST}${pathname}${search}`;
return Response.redirect(redirectUrl, 301); // Permanent redirect
// Handle static asset retrieval
if (pathname.startsWith("/static/")) {
return retrieveStatic(request, pathWithParams, ctx);
// Forward other requests to the main domain
return forwardRequest(request, pathWithParams);
async function retrieveStatic(request, pathname, ctx) {
let response = await caches.default.match(request);
if (!response) {
response = await fetch(`https://${ASSET_HOST}${pathname}`);
ctx.waitUntil(caches.default.put(request, response.clone()));
return response;
async function forwardRequest(request, pathWithSearch) {
const originRequest = new Request(request);
originRequest.headers.delete("cookie"); // Avoid sending cookies for API calls
return await fetch(`https://${API_HOST}${pathWithSearch}`, originRequest);
export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
return handleRequest(request, ctx);
And this is the Worker Routes: