I'm trying to create PDF barcodes with titles and additional information using R like shown below.
Here's my current code:
Labels = c("123456789012", "987654321098", "112233445566", "556677889900") # Example barcode numbers
titles = c("Product 1\n", "Product 2", "Product 3", "Product")
Labels = Labels,
name = "barcodes_with_titles", # Output file name
type = "linear",
Fsz = 12,
numcol = 2,
numrow = 3,
trunc = FALSE,
denote = '.'
This code generates basic barcodes with labels:
I need to achieve this specific layout:
Expected output:
- Each barcode should have a title above it
- Additional text-information should appear below the barcode, including the Label used for generating the Bar Code (see image above)
What I've tried:
- Using the
parameter to add titles, which resulted in an ErrorIn custom_create_PDF(Labels = Labels, name = "barcodes_with_titles", : alt_text is not encoded in barcode. Non-encoded text begins with.
- I tried to adapt SOpost, but that just describes how to plot "bla" and "fu" as a bar plot, which is not what I want.
How can I modify my existing code to add titles above each barcode? What parameters or functions should I use to add additional information below the barcode?
R version: 4.4.2
Package used: baRcodeR
I'm trying to create PDF barcodes with titles and additional information using R like shown below.
Here's my current code:
Labels = c("123456789012", "987654321098", "112233445566", "556677889900") # Example barcode numbers
titles = c("Product 1\n", "Product 2", "Product 3", "Product")
Labels = Labels,
name = "barcodes_with_titles", # Output file name
type = "linear",
Fsz = 12,
numcol = 2,
numrow = 3,
trunc = FALSE,
denote = '.'
This code generates basic barcodes with labels:
I need to achieve this specific layout:
Expected output:
- Each barcode should have a title above it
- Additional text-information should appear below the barcode, including the Label used for generating the Bar Code (see image above)
What I've tried:
- Using the
parameter to add titles, which resulted in an ErrorIn custom_create_PDF(Labels = Labels, name = "barcodes_with_titles", : alt_text is not encoded in barcode. Non-encoded text begins with.
- I tried to adapt SOpost, but that just describes how to plot "bla" and "fu" as a bar plot, which is not what I want.
How can I modify my existing code to add titles above each barcode? What parameters or functions should I use to add additional information below the barcode?
R version: 4.4.2
Package used: baRcodeR
1 Answer
Reset to default 3You can adapt a subfunction from the baRcodeR package to fit your requirement.
The function barcode_bars_extended
will print a bar code for every label in Labels
. It takes above_text
and below_text
as extra args. You can adapt the function to fit your needs.
setwd(dirname(rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()$path)) # set the current script's location as working directory
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
pacman::p_load(grid, gridExtra, Cairo)
barcode_bars_extended <- function(Labels, # name of your labels, these are barencoded
above_text = "Barcode", # text above barcode
below_text = NULL, # text below barcode
output_file = "barcodes.pdf", # name of outputted pdf file
barsHeight = 0.08 # height of barcode per page, 1 is the whole page height
## Helper function to create barcode grobs with labels
generate_barcode_grob <- function(label, above_text, below_text) {
label <- as.character(label)
label <- iconv(label, from = "utf-8", to = "ascii", sub = "-")
start_code <- 209
lab_chars <- unlist(strsplit(label, split = ""))
lab_values <- sapply(lab_chars, function(x) utf8ToInt(x))
code_values <- lab_values - 32
check_sum <- 104 + sum(code_values * seq(1, length(code_values)))
check_character <- check_sum %% 103
Barcodes <- Barcodes <- structure(list(code = c("32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38",
"39", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49",
"50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "57", "58", "59", "60",
"61", "62", "63", "64", "65", "66", "67", "68", "69", "70", "71",
"72", "73", "74", "75", "76", "77", "78", "79", "80", "81", "82",
"83", "84", "85", "86", "87", "88", "89", "90", "91", "92", "93",
"94", "95", "96", "97", "98", "99", "100", "101", "102", "103",
"104", "105", "106", "107", "108", "109", "110", "111", "112",
"113", "114", "115", "116", "117", "118", "119", "120", "121",
"122", "123", "124", "125", "126", "209"), barcode = c("11011001100",
"11001101100", "11001100110", "10010011000", "10010001100", "10001001100",
"10011001000", "10011000100", "10001100100", "11001001000", "11001000100",
"11000100100", "10110011100", "10011011100", "10011001110", "10111001100",
"10011101100", "10011100110", "11001110010", "11001011100", "11001001110",
"11011100100", "11001110100", "11101101110", "11101001100", "11100101100",
"11100100110", "11101100100", "11100110100", "11100110010", "11011011000",
"11011000110", "11000110110", "10100011000", "10001011000", "10001000110",
"10110001000", "10001101000", "10001100010", "11010001000", "11000101000",
"11000100010", "10110111000", "10110001110", "10001101110", "10111011000",
"10111000110", "10001110110", "11101110110", "11010001110", "11000101110",
"11011101000", "11011100010", "11011101110", "11101011000", "11101000110",
"11100010110", "11101101000", "11101100010", "11100011010", "11101111010",
"11001000010", "11110001010", "10100110000", "10100001100", "10010110000",
"10010000110", "10000101100", "10000100110", "10110010000", "10110000100",
"10011010000", "10011000010", "10000110100", "10000110010", "11000010010",
"11001010000", "11110111010", "11000010100", "10001111010", "10100111100",
"10010111100", "10010011110", "10111100100", "10011110100", "10011110010",
"11110100100", "11110010100", "11110010010", "11011011110", "11011110110",
"11110110110", "10101111000", "10100011110", "10001011110", "11010010000"
)), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA,
Binary_code <- sapply(lab_values, function(x, Barcodes) Barcodes$barcode[x == Barcodes$code], Barcodes = Barcodes)
quiet_zone <- paste(c(1:(10)*0), collapse = "")
binary_label <- paste(quiet_zone,
Barcodes$barcode[Barcodes$code == start_code],
paste(Binary_code, collapse = ""),
Barcodes$barcode[check_character + 1],
collapse = "", sep = "")
bar_values <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(binary_label, split = "")))
barcode_grob <- grid::rasterGrob(t(!as.matrix(bar_values)), width = 0.5, height = barsHeight, interpolate = FALSE)
## Text Grobs
text_grobs <- list()
# Create temporary text grobs to calculate heights
temp_above <- textGrob(above_text, gp = gpar(fontsize = 14, fontfamily = "Arial Unicode MS"))
temp_label <- textGrob(label, gp = gpar(fontsize = 15, fontface = "bold", fontfamily = "Arial Unicode MS"))
temp_below <- if (!is.null(below_text)) {
textGrob(below_text, gp = gpar(fontsize = 14, fontfamily = "Arial Unicode MS"))
} else NULL
# Calculate heights
above_height <- convertUnit(grobHeight(temp_above), "npc", valueOnly = TRUE)
label_height <- convertUnit(grobHeight(temp_label), "npc", valueOnly = TRUE)
below_height <- if (!is.null(below_text)) {
convertUnit(grobHeight(temp_below), "npc", valueOnly = TRUE)
} else 0
# Calculate padding (adjust this value to control spacing between elements)
padding <- 0.02
# Calculate positions
barcode_center <- 0.5
above_y <- barcode_center + barsHeight/2 + padding + above_height/2
label_y <- barcode_center - barsHeight/2 - padding - label_height/2
below_y <- if (!is.null(below_text)) {
label_y - label_height/2 - padding - below_height/2
} else NULL
# Create final text grobs with calculated positions
text_grobs$above <- textGrob(above_text,
gp = gpar(fontsize = 14, fontfamily = "Arial Unicode MS"),
y = above_y)
text_grobs$barcode <- barcode_grob
text_grobs$label <- textGrob(label,
gp = gpar(fontsize = 15, fontface = "bold", fontfamily = "Arial Unicode MS"),
y = label_y)
if (!is.null(below_text)) {
text_grobs$below <- textGrob(below_text,
gp = gpar(fontsize = 14, fontfamily = "Arial Unicode MS"),
y = below_y)
## Draw each text and barcode grob with its respective viewport
grob_list <- gTree(children = do.call("gList", text_grobs))
## Output to PDF 8.27 × 11.69
CairoPDF(output_file, width = 8.27, height = 11.69)
for (i in seq_along(Labels)) {
generate_barcode_grob(Labels[i], above_text[i], below_text[i])
if(i!= length(Labels)) # make sure to not add an empty page after last elements are printed
# Example usage with custom above and below text for each label
Labels <- c("515200297","Test")
above_text <- c("سوسپانسیون ضد آکنه و لک آزلائی \n 0.00 | ندارد ","Text above") # Custom text above each barcode
below_text <- c("498-34559","Text below") # Custom text below each barcode
barcode_bars_extended(Labels, above_text = above_text, below_text = below_text, output_file = "barcodes_with_labels.pdf")