I want to capitalize all titles and headlines on my blog according to the Chicago Manual of Style. Since this is a very tedious and time consuming task to do it manually, I thought there must be another way, like a plugin or a piece of code, that goes through all the content and fixes it.
I found this plugin, that is meant to do exactly this:
But it seems to be abandoned and doesn't work on my site. I assume it doesn't work with Gutenberg.
Does anyone know a way to capitalize all titles and headlines, without going through it manually?
I want to capitalize all titles and headlines on my blog according to the Chicago Manual of Style. Since this is a very tedious and time consuming task to do it manually, I thought there must be another way, like a plugin or a piece of code, that goes through all the content and fixes it.
I found this plugin, that is meant to do exactly this: https://github/tommcfarlin/title-capitalization-for-wordpress
But it seems to be abandoned and doesn't work on my site. I assume it doesn't work with Gutenberg.
Does anyone know a way to capitalize all titles and headlines, without going through it manually?
Share Improve this question asked Oct 28, 2020 at 21:06 TheKidsWantDjentTheKidsWantDjent 3154 silver badges20 bronze badges 2- Well, you could use CSS - text-transform: capitalize; - but that will capitalize the first letter of every word, ie Chicago Manual Of Style vs Chicago Manual of Style. Alternatively, you could export your post and pages into a CSV, run a script there of some sort, and reimport? – Faye Commented Oct 28, 2020 at 23:27
- If only there was a script to do this. I searched the web and to my surprise I didn't find anything. If I had a simple PHP script or something, I would know how to implement this in WordPress to run it through my posts. But I didn't find anything that does this. – TheKidsWantDjent Commented Oct 29, 2020 at 11:18
1 Answer
Reset to default 0I took a look a Tom's plugin that you referenced and made a stripped down version that simply runs post titles through the Title_case
class on-the-fly.
I tested it out, and it works. Unlike the original plugin, the code below just changes titles before they are displayed and not when saving posts.
Plugin structure:
Plugin Name: WPSE Title Case
Plugin URI:
Description: Apply title case to post titles.
Version: 1.0.0
Author URI:
License: GPL2/Creative Commons
require trailingslashit( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . 'includes/class-title-case.php';
function wpse_title_case( $post_title ) {
$title_case = new Title_Case();
return $title_case->to_title_case( $post_title );
add_filter( 'the_title', 'wpse_title_case' );
* Class Title_Case
* original Title Case script © John Gruber <daringfireball>
* javascript port © David Gouch <individed>
* PHP port of the above by Kroc Camen <camendesign>
* refactor and mods for contractions and markdown headers by Andy Fragen <[email protected]>
class Title_Case {
* Convert string to title case.
* @param $title
* @return mixed|string
public function to_title_case( $title ) {
//remove HTML, storing it for later
// HTML elements to ignore | tags | entities
$regx = '/<(code|var)[^>]*>.*?<\/\1>|<[^>]+>|&\S+;|#+|\$([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/';
preg_match_all( $regx, $title, $html, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE );
$title = preg_replace( $regx, '', $title );
//find each word (including punctuation attached)
preg_match_all( '/[\w\p{L}&`\'‘’"“\.@:\/\{\(\[<>_]+-? */u', $title, $m1, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE );
foreach ( $m1[0] as &$m2 ) {
//shorthand these- "match" and "index"
list ( $m, $i ) = $m2;
//correct offsets for multi-byte characters (`PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE` returns *byte*-offset)
//we fix this by recounting the text before the offset using multi-byte aware `strlen`
$i = mb_strlen( substr( $title, 0, $i ), 'UTF-8' );
//try to internationalize a bit.
$locale = get_locale(); //this makes the lib WordPress specific. :(
$short_locale = preg_replace( '/_.*$/', '', $locale );
* don't know if this is useful -- yet
* @link http://stackoverflow/questions/3191664/list-of-all-locales-and-their-short-codes
$locales = json_decode( file_get_contents( __DIR__ . '/locales.json' ) );
* Send string to locale-based rules for capitalization.
switch ( $short_locale ) {
case 'en': // English
$m = $this->english( $m, $i, $title );
//re-splice the title with the change (`substr_replace` is not multi-byte aware)
$title = mb_substr( $title, 0, $i, 'UTF-8' ) . $m .
mb_substr( $title, $i + mb_strlen( $m, 'UTF-8' ), mb_strlen( $title, 'UTF-8' ), 'UTF-8' );
//restore the HTML
foreach ( $html[0] as &$tag ) {
$title = substr_replace( $title, $tag[0], $tag[1], 0 );
return $title;
* Capitalize based upon English rules.
* @access private
* @param $m string
* @param $i
* @param $title
* @return string
private function english( $m, $i, $title ) {
//find words that should always be lowercase…
//(never on the first word, and never if preceded by a colon)
if (
$i > 0 && mb_substr( $title, max( 0, $i - 2 ), 1, 'UTF-8' ) !== ':' &&
! preg_match( '/[\x{2014}\x{2013}] ?/u', mb_substr( $title, max( 0, $i - 2 ), 2, 'UTF-8' ) ) &&
preg_match( '/^(a(nd?|s|t)?|b(ut|y)|en|for|i[fn]|o[fnr]|t(he|o)|vs?\.?|via)[ \-]/i', $m ) ||
// Don't capitalize contractions
preg_match( '/\'(s|t|ll|re|ve|d|m|em)/i', $m )
) {
//…and convert them to lowercase
$m = mb_strtolower( $m, 'UTF-8' );
} elseif (
//else: brackets and other wrappers
preg_match( '/[\'"_{(\[‘“]/u', mb_substr( $title, max( 0, $i - 1 ), 3, 'UTF-8' ) )
) {
//convert first letter within wrapper to uppercase
$m = mb_substr( $m, 0, 1, 'UTF-8' );
//if single letter word, capitalize it
if ( 1 === mb_strlen( $m, 'UTF-8' ) ) {
$m = mb_strtoupper( $m, 'UTF-8' );
} else {
$m .= mb_strtoupper( mb_substr( $m, 1, 1, 'UTF-8' ), 'UTF-8' ) .
mb_substr( $m, 2, mb_strlen( $m, 'UTF-8' ) - 2, 'UTF-8' );
} elseif (
//else: do not uppercase these cases
preg_match( '/[\])}]/', mb_substr( $title, max( 0, $i - 1 ), 3, 'UTF-8' ) ) ||
preg_match( '/[A-Z]+|&|\w+[._]\w+/u', mb_substr( $m, 1, mb_strlen( $m, 'UTF-8' ) - 1, 'UTF-8' ) )
) {
return $m;
} else {
//if all else fails, then no more fringe-cases; uppercase the word
$m = mb_strtoupper( mb_substr( $m, 0, 1, 'UTF-8' ), 'UTF-8' ) .
mb_substr( $m, 1, mb_strlen( $m, 'UTF-8' ), 'UTF-8' );
return $m;
"af_NA": "Afrikaans (Namibia)",
"af_ZA": "Afrikaans (South Africa)",
"af": "Afrikaans",
"ak_GH": "Akan (Ghana)",
"ak": "Akan",
"sq_AL": "Albanian (Albania)",
"sq": "Albanian",
"am_ET": "Amharic (Ethiopia)",
"am": "Amharic",
"ar_DZ": "Arabic (Algeria)",
"ar_BH": "Arabic (Bahrain)",
"ar_EG": "Arabic (Egypt)",
"ar_IQ": "Arabic (Iraq)",
"ar_JO": "Arabic (Jordan)",
"ar_KW": "Arabic (Kuwait)",
"ar_LB": "Arabic (Lebanon)",
"ar_LY": "Arabic (Libya)",
"ar_MA": "Arabic (Morocco)",
"ar_OM": "Arabic (Oman)",
"ar_QA": "Arabic (Qatar)",
"ar_SA": "Arabic (Saudi Arabia)",
"ar_SD": "Arabic (Sudan)",
"ar_SY": "Arabic (Syria)",
"ar_TN": "Arabic (Tunisia)",
"ar_AE": "Arabic (United Arab Emirates)",
"ar_YE": "Arabic (Yemen)",
"ar": "Arabic",
"hy_AM": "Armenian (Armenia)",
"hy": "Armenian",
"as_IN": "Assamese (India)",
"as": "Assamese",
"asa_TZ": "Asu (Tanzania)",
"asa": "Asu",
"az_Cyrl": "Azerbaijani (Cyrillic)",
"az_Cyrl_AZ": "Azerbaijani (Cyrillic, Azerbaijan)",
"az_Latn": "Azerbaijani (Latin)",
"az_Latn_AZ": "Azerbaijani (Latin, Azerbaijan)",
"az": "Azerbaijani",
"bm_ML": "Bambara (Mali)",
"bm": "Bambara",
"eu_ES": "Basque (Spain)",
"eu": "Basque",
"be_BY": "Belarusian (Belarus)",
"be": "Belarusian",
"bem_ZM": "Bemba (Zambia)",
"bem": "Bemba",
"bez_TZ": "Bena (Tanzania)",
"bez": "Bena",
"bn_BD": "Bengali (Bangladesh)",
"bn_IN": "Bengali (India)",
"bn": "Bengali",
"bs_BA": "Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina)",
"bs": "Bosnian",
"bg_BG": "Bulgarian (Bulgaria)",
"bg": "Bulgarian",
"my_MM": "Burmese (Myanmar [Burma])",
"my": "Burmese",
"ca_ES": "Catalan (Spain)",
"ca": "Catalan",
"tzm_Latn": "Central Morocco Tamazight (Latin)",
"tzm_Latn_MA": "Central Morocco Tamazight (Latin, Morocco)",
"tzm": "Central Morocco Tamazight",
"chr_US": "Cherokee (United States)",
"chr": "Cherokee",
"cgg_UG": "Chiga (Uganda)",
"cgg": "Chiga",
"zh_Hans": "Chinese (Simplified Han)",
"zh_Hans_CN": "Chinese (Simplified Han, China)",
"zh_Hans_HK": "Chinese (Simplified Han, Hong Kong SAR China)",
"zh_Hans_MO": "Chinese (Simplified Han, Macau SAR China)",
"zh_Hans_SG": "Chinese (Simplified Han, Singapore)",
"zh_Hant": "Chinese (Traditional Han)",
"zh_Hant_HK": "Chinese (Traditional Han, Hong Kong SAR China)",
"zh_Hant_MO": "Chinese (Traditional Han, Macau SAR China)",
"zh_Hant_TW": "Chinese (Traditional Han, Taiwan)",
"zh": "Chinese",
"kw_GB": "Cornish (United Kingdom)",
"kw": "Cornish",
"hr_HR": "Croatian (Croatia)",
"hr": "Croatian",
"cs_CZ": "Czech (Czech Republic)",
"cs": "Czech",
"da_DK": "Danish (Denmark)",
"da": "Danish",
"nl_BE": "Dutch (Belgium)",
"nl_NL": "Dutch (Netherlands)",
"nl": "Dutch",
"ebu_KE": "Embu (Kenya)",
"ebu": "Embu",
"en_AS": "English (American Samoa)",
"en_AU": "English (Australia)",
"en_BE": "English (Belgium)",
"en_BZ": "English (Belize)",
"en_BW": "English (Botswana)",
"en_CA": "English (Canada)",
"en_GU": "English (Guam)",
"en_HK": "English (Hong Kong SAR China)",
"en_IN": "English (India)",
"en_IE": "English (Ireland)",
"en_JM": "English (Jamaica)",
"en_MT": "English (Malta)",
"en_MH": "English (Marshall Islands)",
"en_MU": "English (Mauritius)",
"en_NA": "English (Namibia)",
"en_NZ": "English (New Zealand)",
"en_MP": "English (Northern Mariana Islands)",
"en_PK": "English (Pakistan)",
"en_PH": "English (Philippines)",
"en_SG": "English (Singapore)",
"en_ZA": "English (South Africa)",
"en_TT": "English (Trinidad and Tobago)",
"en_UM": "English (U.S. Minor Outlying Islands)",
"en_VI": "English (U.S. Virgin Islands)",
"en_GB": "English (United Kingdom)",
"en_US": "English (United States)",
"en_ZW": "English (Zimbabwe)",
"en": "English",
"eo": "Esperanto",
"et_EE": "Estonian (Estonia)",
"et": "Estonian",
"ee_GH": "Ewe (Ghana)",
"ee_TG": "Ewe (Togo)",
"ee": "Ewe",
"fo_FO": "Faroese (Faroe Islands)",
"fo": "Faroese",
"fil_PH": "Filipino (Philippines)",
"fil": "Filipino",
"fi_FI": "Finnish (Finland)",
"fi": "Finnish",
"fr_BE": "French (Belgium)",
"fr_BJ": "French (Benin)",
"fr_BF": "French (Burkina Faso)",
"fr_BI": "French (Burundi)",
"fr_CM": "French (Cameroon)",
"fr_CA": "French (Canada)",
"fr_CF": "French (Central African Republic)",
"fr_TD": "French (Chad)",
"fr_KM": "French (Comoros)",
"fr_CG": "French (Congo - Brazzaville)",
"fr_CD": "French (Congo - Kinshasa)",
"fr_CI": "French (Côte d’Ivoire)",
"fr_DJ": "French (Djibouti)",
"fr_GQ": "French (Equatorial Guinea)",
"fr_FR": "French (France)",
"fr_GA": "French (Gabon)",
"fr_GP": "French (Guadeloupe)",
"fr_GN": "French (Guinea)",
"fr_LU": "French (Luxembourg)",
"fr_MG": "French (Madagascar)",
"fr_ML": "French (Mali)",
"fr_MQ": "French (Martinique)",
"fr_MC": "French (Monaco)",
"fr_NE": "French (Niger)",
"fr_RW": "French (Rwanda)",
"fr_RE": "French (Réunion)",
"fr_BL": "French (Saint Barthélemy)",
"fr_MF": "French (Saint Martin)",
"fr_SN": "French (Senegal)",
"fr_CH": "French (Switzerland)",
"fr_TG": "French (Togo)",
"fr": "French",
"ff_SN": "Fulah (Senegal)",
"ff": "Fulah",
"gl_ES": "Galician (Spain)",
"gl": "Galician",
"lg_UG": "Ganda (Uganda)",
"lg": "Ganda",
"ka_GE": "Georgian (Georgia)",
"ka": "Georgian",
"de_AT": "German (Austria)",
"de_BE": "German (Belgium)",
"de_DE": "German (Germany)",
"de_LI": "German (Liechtenstein)",
"de_LU": "German (Luxembourg)",
"de_CH": "German (Switzerland)",
"de": "German",
"el_CY": "Greek (Cyprus)",
"el_GR": "Greek (Greece)",
"el": "Greek",
"gu_IN": "Gujarati (India)",
"gu": "Gujarati",
"guz_KE": "Gusii (Kenya)",
"guz": "Gusii",
"ha_Latn": "Hausa (Latin)",
"ha_Latn_GH": "Hausa (Latin, Ghana)",
"ha_Latn_NE": "Hausa (Latin, Niger)",
"ha_Latn_NG": "Hausa (Latin, Nigeria)",
"ha": "Hausa",
"haw_US": "Hawaiian (United States)",
"haw": "Hawaiian",
"he_IL": "Hebrew (Israel)",
"he": "Hebrew",
"hi_IN": "Hindi (India)",
"hi": "Hindi",
"hu_HU": "Hungarian (Hungary)",
"hu": "Hungarian",
"is_IS": "Icelandic (Iceland)",
"is": "Icelandic",
"ig_NG": "Igbo (Nigeria)",
"ig": "Igbo",
"id_ID": "Indonesian (Indonesia)",
"id": "Indonesian",
"ga_IE": "Irish (Ireland)",
"ga": "Irish",
"it_IT": "Italian (Italy)",
"it_CH": "Italian (Switzerland)",
"it": "Italian",
"ja_JP": "Japanese (Japan)",
"ja": "Japanese",
"kea_CV": "Kabuverdianu (Cape Verde)",
"kea": "Kabuverdianu",
"kab_DZ": "Kabyle (Algeria)",
"kab": "Kabyle",
"kl_GL": "Kalaallisut (Greenland)",
"kl": "Kalaallisut",
"kln_KE": "Kalenjin (Kenya)",
"kln": "Kalenjin",
"kam_KE": "Kamba (Kenya)",
"kam": "Kamba",
"kn_IN": "Kannada (India)",
"kn": "Kannada",
"kk_Cyrl": "Kazakh (Cyrillic)",
"kk_Cyrl_KZ": "Kazakh (Cyrillic, Kazakhstan)",
"kk": "Kazakh",
"km_KH": "Khmer (Cambodia)",
"km": "Khmer",
"ki_KE": "Kikuyu (Kenya)",
"ki": "Kikuyu",
"rw_RW": "Kinyarwanda (Rwanda)",
"rw": "Kinyarwanda",
"kok_IN": "Konkani (India)",
"kok": "Konkani",
"ko_KR": "Korean (South Korea)",
"ko": "Korean",
"khq_ML": "Koyra Chiini (Mali)",
"khq": "Koyra Chiini",
"ses_ML": "Koyraboro Senni (Mali)",
"ses": "Koyraboro Senni",
"lag_TZ": "Langi (Tanzania)",
"lag": "Langi",
"lv_LV": "Latvian (Latvia)",
"lv": "Latvian",
"lt_LT": "Lithuanian (Lithuania)",
"lt": "Lithuanian",
"luo_KE": "Luo (Kenya)",
"luo": "Luo",
"luy_KE": "Luyia (Kenya)",
"luy": "Luyia",
"mk_MK": "Macedonian (Macedonia)",
"mk": "Macedonian",
"jmc_TZ": "Machame (Tanzania)",
"jmc": "Machame",
"kde_TZ": "Makonde (Tanzania)",
"kde": "Makonde",
"mg_MG": "Malagasy (Madagascar)",
"mg": "Malagasy",
"ms_BN": "Malay (Brunei)",
"ms_MY": "Malay (Malaysia)",
"ms": "Malay",
"ml_IN": "Malayalam (India)",
"ml": "Malayalam",
"mt_MT": "Maltese (Malta)",
"mt": "Maltese",
"gv_GB": "Manx (United Kingdom)",
"gv": "Manx",
"mr_IN": "Marathi (India)",
"mr": "Marathi",
"mas_KE": "Masai (Kenya)",
"mas_TZ": "Masai (Tanzania)",
"mas": "Masai",
"mer_KE": "Meru (Kenya)",
"mer": "Meru",
"mfe_MU": "Morisyen (Mauritius)",
"mfe": "Morisyen",
"naq_NA": "Nama (Namibia)",
"naq": "Nama",
"ne_IN": "Nepali (India)",
"ne_NP": "Nepali (Nepal)",
"ne": "Nepali",
"nd_ZW": "North Ndebele (Zimbabwe)",
"nd": "North Ndebele",
"nb_NO": "Norwegian Bokmål (Norway)",
"nb": "Norwegian Bokmål",
"nn_NO": "Norwegian Nynorsk (Norway)",
"nn": "Norwegian Nynorsk",
"nyn_UG": "Nyankole (Uganda)",
"nyn": "Nyankole",
"or_IN": "Oriya (India)",
"or": "Oriya",
"om_ET": "Oromo (Ethiopia)",
"om_KE": "Oromo (Kenya)",
"om": "Oromo",
"ps_AF": "Pashto (Afghanistan)",
"ps": "Pashto",
"fa_AF": "Persian (Afghanistan)",
"fa_IR": "Persian (Iran)",
"fa": "Persian",
"pl_PL": "Polish (Poland)",
"pl": "Polish",
"pt_BR": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
"pt_GW": "Portuguese (Guinea-Bissau)",
"pt_MZ": "Portuguese (Mozambique)",
"pt_PT": "Portuguese (Portugal)",
"pt": "Portuguese",
"pa_Arab": "Punjabi (Arabic)",
"pa_Arab_PK": "Punjabi (Arabic, Pakistan)",
"pa_Guru": "Punjabi (Gurmukhi)",
"pa_Guru_IN": "Punjabi (Gurmukhi, India)",
"pa": "Punjabi",
"ro_MD": "Romanian (Moldova)",
"ro_RO": "Romanian (Romania)",
"ro": "Romanian",
"rm_CH": "Romansh (Switzerland)",
"rm": "Romansh",
"rof_TZ": "Rombo (Tanzania)",
"rof": "Rombo",
"ru_MD": "Russian (Moldova)",
"ru_RU": "Russian (Russia)",
"ru_UA": "Russian (Ukraine)",
"ru": "Russian",
"rwk_TZ": "Rwa (Tanzania)",
"rwk": "Rwa",
"saq_KE": "Samburu (Kenya)",
"saq": "Samburu",
"sg_CF": "Sango (Central African Republic)",
"sg": "Sango",
"seh_MZ": "Sena (Mozambique)",
"seh": "Sena",
"sr_Cyrl": "Serbian (Cyrillic)",
"sr_Cyrl_BA": "Serbian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina)",
"sr_Cyrl_ME": "Serbian (Cyrillic, Montenegro)",
"sr_Cyrl_RS": "Serbian (Cyrillic, Serbia)",
"sr_Latn": "Serbian (Latin)",
"sr_Latn_BA": "Serbian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina)",
"sr_Latn_ME": "Serbian (Latin, Montenegro)",
"sr_Latn_RS": "Serbian (Latin, Serbia)",
"sr": "Serbian",
"sn_ZW": "Shona (Zimbabwe)",
"sn": "Shona",
"ii_CN": "Sichuan Yi (China)",
"ii": "Sichuan Yi",
"si_LK": "Sinhala (Sri Lanka)",
"si": "Sinhala",
"sk_SK": "Slovak (Slovakia)",
"sk": "Slovak",
"sl_SI": "Slovenian (Slovenia)",
"sl": "Slovenian",
"xog_UG": "Soga (Uganda)",
"xog": "Soga",
"so_DJ": "Somali (Djibouti)",
"so_ET": "Somali (Ethiopia)",
"so_KE": "Somali (Kenya)",
"so_SO": "Somali (Somalia)",
"so": "Somali",
"es_AR": "Spanish (Argentina)",
"es_BO": "Spanish (Bolivia)",
"es_CL": "Spanish (Chile)",
"es_CO": "Spanish (Colombia)",
"es_CR": "Spanish (Costa Rica)",
"es_DO": "Spanish (Dominican Republic)",
"es_EC": "Spanish (Ecuador)",
"es_SV": "Spanish (El Salvador)",
"es_GQ": "Spanish (Equatorial Guinea)",
"es_GT": "Spanish (Guatemala)",
"es_HN": "Spanish (Honduras)",
"es_419": "Spanish (Latin America)",
"es_MX": "Spanish (Mexico)",
"es_NI": "Spanish (Nicaragua)",
"es_PA": "Spanish (Panama)",
"es_PY": "Spanish (Paraguay)",
"es_PE": "Spanish (Peru)",
"es_PR": "Spanish (Puerto Rico)",
"es_ES": "Spanish (Spain)",
"es_US": "Spanish (United States)",
"es_UY": "Spanish (Uruguay)",
"es_VE": "Spanish (Venezuela)",
"es": "Spanish",
"sw_KE": "Swahili (Kenya)",
"sw_TZ": "Swahili (Tanzania)",
"sw": "Swahili",
"sv_FI": "Swedish (Finland)",
"sv_SE": "Swedish (Sweden)",
"sv": "Swedish",
"gsw_CH": "Swiss German (Switzerland)",
"gsw": "Swiss German",
"shi_Latn": "Tachelhit (Latin)",
"shi_Latn_MA": "Tachelhit (Latin, Morocco)",
"shi_Tfng": "Tachelhit (Tifinagh)",
"shi_Tfng_MA": "Tachelhit (Tifinagh, Morocco)",
"shi": "Tachelhit",
"dav_KE": "Taita (Kenya)",
"dav": "Taita",
"ta_IN": "Tamil (India)",
"ta_LK": "Tamil (Sri Lanka)",
"ta": "Tamil",
"te_IN": "Telugu (India)",
"te": "Telugu",
"teo_KE": "Teso (Kenya)",
"teo_UG": "Teso (Uganda)",
"teo": "Teso",
"th_TH": "Thai (Thailand)",
"th": "Thai",
"bo_CN": "Tibetan (China)",
"bo_IN": "Tibetan (India)",
"bo": "Tibetan",
"ti_ER": "Tigrinya (Eritrea)",
"ti_ET": "Tigrinya (Ethiopia)",
"ti": "Tigrinya",
"to_TO": "Tonga (Tonga)",
"to": "Tonga",
"tr_TR": "Turkish (Turkey)",
"tr": "Turkish",
"uk_UA": "Ukrainian (Ukraine)",
"uk": "Ukrainian",
"ur_IN": "Urdu (India)",
"ur_PK": "Urdu (Pakistan)",
"ur": "Urdu",
"uz_Arab": "Uzbek (Arabic)",
"uz_Arab_AF": "Uzbek (Arabic, Afghanistan)",
"uz_Cyrl": "Uzbek (Cyrillic)",
"uz_Cyrl_UZ": "Uzbek (Cyrillic, Uzbekistan)",
"uz_Latn": "Uzbek (Latin)",
"uz_Latn_UZ": "Uzbek (Latin, Uzbekistan)",
"uz": "Uzbek",
"vi_VN": "Vietnamese (Vietnam)",
"vi": "Vietnamese",
"vun_TZ": "Vunjo (Tanzania)",
"vun": "Vunjo",
"cy_GB": "Welsh (United Kingdom)",
"cy": "Welsh",
"yo_NG": "Yoruba (Nigeria)",
"yo": "Yoruba",
"zu_ZA": "Zulu (South Africa)",
"zu": "Zulu"