I installed gnuCobol versoin 3.2 in msys264. At the end to verify the installation, I issued "cobc -v".
An error message was returned "/mingw64/share/gnucobol/config\default.conf: No such file or directorycobc: Error: Failed to load the initial config file."
Then decided to fall back to opencobol version 2.
Had opencobol v2 installed done. And then issued "cobc -v".
An error message was returned "/mingw64/share/open-cobol/config/default.conf: No such file or directorycobc: Error: Failed to load the initial config file."
In gnucobol, I enforced GNUCOBOL_CONFIG using the export command and editing bashrc, all in vain.
Then opencobol, I enforced OPENCOBOL_CONFIG using the export command and editing bashrc, all in vain. In the bashrc, I also define the GNUCOBOL_CONFIG, COBCONFIG, COB_CONFIG, OPENCOBOL_CONFIG, and COBOL_HOME.
None resoled the default.conf not found problem.
I noticed a common pattern but some possible minor human error. The human error is: in gnucobol the message pointed to \default.conf.
I believed "" was a typo in gnucobol by the software engineer. The"" is for Window, not Unix. The human error was not in the opencobol.
The major error I encountered is: in both opencobol and gnucobl, the cobc can not find the default.conf.
I wonder in the source code of both opencobl and gnucobol, which directory or folder it searched for the default.conf.
To overcome the default.conf not found, I copied the deault.conf to every folder and sub-folder under msys64 including those under gnucobol and opencobol, including bin, share, alocal, gcc, man, etc.
In the "config" directory, I made a backup copy of default.conf, renamed it, and vim-ed the new default.conf. Still the error remained. I suspect, there might be bug in the source code of the opencobol or gnucobol, both might looked for somewhere else for the default.conf.
But with so many people using the opencobol and gnucobol. I guess there maybe a place I shall place the default.conf. Or edit the sh.
Can anyone share some solution?