I need help to setup a cron job to update a custom field (created with Advanced Custom Field) every 8 hours.
This is the function to define the custom time schedule:
function cron_schedule_eight_hours($schedules) {
$schedules['eight_hours'] = array(
'interval' => 8 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS,
'display' => __('Eight Hours')
return $schedules;
add_filter('cron_schedules', 'cron_schedule_eight_hours');
This is the function to update the custom field by adding a random number to the current value:
function auto_update_custom_field() {
// get current field value
$count = (int) get_field('my_numeric_custom_field', get_the_ID());
// generate a random number
$random_number = wp_rand(10, 100);
// sum the current field value and the random number
$new_value = $count + $randon_number;
// update the field with the new value
update_field('my_numeric_custom_field', $new_value, get_the_ID());
This is the function to setup the event:
if (!wp_next_scheduled('cron_custom_field')) {
wp_schedule_event(time(), 'eight_hours', 'cron_custom_field');
add_action('cron_custom_field', 'auto_update_custom_field');
The default WP Cron System starts only when someone visits the site, then I have:
- Disabled the WP Cron System by adding into
the linedefine('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true);
- Setup a cron job adding the line
*/15 * * * * wget -q -O - .php?doing_wp_cron
into the cron file on the server (is an example domain).
For some reason the cron job do nothing (obviously for testing purpose I have reduced the custom cron schedule to a few minutes instead of eight hours as defined in the function).
I ask if anyone can help me set up the cron job correctly.