
c - Updating Ultrasonic Sensor Distance Value using TMR2? e2studio - Stack Overflow


Working on a RX65N microcontroller and ultrasonic sensor on e2studio. i managed to like the lcd works and "show distance is" but i can't figure it the every so change distance value and all i see out there are only arduino codes... so far my main code is:

void main(void)
    // [DO NOT REMOVE] array declaration
    char img_buf[IMG_BUF_SZ] = {0};
    unsigned char i;
    unsigned short distance, pulsewidth;

    // P05, P07 initialization for TFT_RST and TCH_RST of LCD respectively
    // output logic high from both P05 and P07
    // Initialize P05 for TFT_RST
    PMR0 = PMR0 & 0xDF;          // Configure P05 as GPIO (clear corresponding bit in PMR0)
    PDR0 = PDR0 | 0x20;          // Set P05 as output (set corresponding bit in PDR0, 00100000)
    ODR0 = ODR0 & 0xDF;          // Set P05 as open CMOS output (clear corresponding bit in ODR0)
    PODR0 = PODR0 | 0x20;        // Set P05 to output logic high (set corresponding bit in PODR0)

    // Initialize P07 for TCH_RST
    PMR0 = PMR0 & 0x7F;          // Configure P07 as GPIO (clear corresponding bit in PMR0)
    PDR0 = PDR0 | 0x80;          // Set P07 as output (set corresponding bit in PDR0)
    ODR0 = ODR0 & 0x7F;          // Set P07 as open CMOS output (clear corresponding bit in ODR0)
    PODR0 = PODR0 | 0x80;        // Set P07 to output logic high (set corresponding bit in PODR0)

    // P14, P17 initialization for TFT_WR and LED_BL of LCD respectively
    // output logic high from both P14 and P17
    // Initialize P14 for TFT_WR
    PMR1 = PMR1 & 0xEF;          // Configure P14 as GPIO (clear corresponding bit in PMR1)
    PDR1 = PDR1 | 0x10;          // Set P14 as output (set corresponding bit in PDR1)
    ODR1 = ODR1 & 0x7F;          // Set P14 as open CMOS output (clear corresponding bit in ODR1)
    PODR1 = PODR1 | 0x10;        // Set P14 to output logic high (set corresponding bit in PODR1)

    // Initialize P17 for LED_BL
    PMR1 = PMR1 & 0x7F;          // Configure P17 as GPIO (clear corresponding bit in PMR1)
    PDR1 = PDR1 | 0x80;          // Set P17 as output (set corresponding bit in PDR1)
    ODR1 = ODR1 & 0x7F;          // Set P17 as open CMOS output (clear corresponding bit in ODR1)
    PODR1 = PODR1 | 0x80;        // Set P17 to output logic high (set corresponding bit in PODR1)

    // Initialize P22 pin on microcontroller. This pin connects to TRIG pin of ultrasonic sensor
    PMR2 = PMR2 & 0xFB;  // Clear bit 2 (0xFB = 11111011) to set P22 to GPIO mode
    PDR2 = PDR2 | 0x04;  // Set bit 2 (0x04 = 00000100) to configure P22 as an output
    ODR02 = ODR02 & 0xEF;
    PODR2 = PODR2 & 0xFB;  // Clear bit 2 (0xFB = 11111011) to set logic low

    // Initialize PB5 pin on microcontroller. This pin connects to ECHO pin of ultrasonic sensor
    // Set all pins of Port B as input, with pull-up resistor enabled
    PMRB = 0x00;  // Clear all bits in PMRB to configure Port B as GPIO
    PDRB = 0x00;  // Clear all bits in PDRB to configure Port B as input
    PCRB = 0xFF;  // Set all bits in PCRB to enable pull-up resistors

    // Start SPI channel 0 for LCD

    // initialize LCD and fill entire screen with GREEN color

    spi_flg = 0;


    _2D_draw_Text("Dist is: ", 10, 10, BLACK);

        // Initialize TMR2 (timer configuration)

        // Start the TMR2 timer

        // perform ultrasonic distance measurement

        // send a 10us trigger pulse
        PODR2 = PODR2 | 0x04;  //send P22 to high
        PODR2 = PODR2 & 0xFB;  //send P22 to low

        // wait for ECHO to be logic high
        while((PIDRB & 0x20) == 0);  // Wait for PB5 (ECHO) to go high

        pulsewidth = 0;

        // wait until ECHO becomes logic low
        while ((PIDRB & 0x20) != 0)
            pulsewidth++;  // time lapse, each increment is 10us
            MCU_Delay(10);  // Adjusted delay for more accurate timing

        //distance = 0.01715 * pulsewidth; // calculate distance in cm, distance = 0.01715 * time, where time is in us
        distance = (pulsewidth * 34300) / (2 * 1000000);

        // display distance on LCD
        for (i=0;i<IMG_BUF_SZ;i++) img_buf[i] = 0;
        sprintf(img_buf, "%d cm", distance);

        // display ascii char  on LCD
        _2D_draw_Rect(10, 30, 88, 26, WHITE);

        _2D_draw_Text((uint8_t *)img_buf, 14, 34, BLACK);

        // Delay 1 second before updating
        MCU_Delay(1000);  // Delay for 1 second (1,000,000 microseconds)



// function definition
void LCDInit(void)

    // start SPI for LCD

    // TFT reset

    // Touch Panel Reset

    // TFT Initialization

    // clear SPI flag variable
    spi_flg = 0;

    // clear LCD screen to GREEN color

void _UserRSPI_send_addr(unsigned long var1)
    // declare unsigned long variable and assign var1 to variable
    // this variable stores data to be sent via RSPI0
    unsigned long abc = var1;

    // set LCD controller to CMD mode

    // send data via RSPI0
    R_Config_RSPI0_Send(&abc, 1);

    // wait for SPI transmission to finish
    while (spi_flg == 0);

    // clear SPI flag variable
    spi_flg = 0;

    // set LCD controller to Data mode

void _UserRSPI_send_dat(unsigned long var1)
    // declare unsigned long variable and assign var1 to variable
    // this variable stores data to be sent via RSPI0
    unsigned long abc = var1;

    // send data via RSPI0
    R_Config_RSPI0_Send(&abc, 1);

    // wait for SPI transmission to finish
    while (spi_flg == 0);

    // clear SPI flag variable
    spi_flg = 0;

void MCU_Delay(unsigned long us)  // delay in microseconds (approximate) system clock 120MHz
    us *= 8;

    while (us)
        nop(); nop(); nop(); nop(); nop();
        nop(); nop(); nop(); nop(); nop();

Apparently i need to use a TMR Config to constantly updates the value.



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