
http headers - "Connection required before calling other methods" - how do I solve this error? - Stack Overflo


I need to log in to a website, but it always returns the error

Connection required before calling other methods

Using inspect and logging it presented this error regarding the dates. I believe that this is one of the problems. The main problem is to find the error in the order of the calls and solve. Someone here knows how to solve this error and help me find the error in the order of the calls of the methods. The website also presents the error 403 Forbidden sometimes

enter image description here

I only inspected the website and find this error. I don't have the source code to make the changes permanently



  1. 暂无评论
ok 不同模板 switch ($forum['model']) { /*case '0': include _include(APP_PATH . 'view/htm/read.htm'); break;*/ default: include _include(theme_load('read', $fid)); break; } } break; case '10': // 主题外链 / thread external link http_location(htmlspecialchars_decode(trim($thread['description']))); break; case '11': // 单页 / single page $attachlist = array(); $imagelist = array(); $thread['filelist'] = array(); $threadlist = NULL; $thread['files'] > 0 and list($attachlist, $imagelist, $thread['filelist']) = well_attach_find_by_tid($tid); $data = data_read_cache($tid); empty($data) and message(-1, lang('data_malformation')); $tidlist = $forum['threads'] ? page_find_by_fid($fid, $page, $pagesize) : NULL; if ($tidlist) { $tidarr = arrlist_values($tidlist, 'tid'); $threadlist = well_thread_find($tidarr, $pagesize); // 按之前tidlist排序 $threadlist = array2_sort_key($threadlist, $tidlist, 'tid'); } $allowpost = forum_access_user($fid, $gid, 'allowpost'); $allowupdate = forum_access_mod($fid, $gid, 'allowupdate'); $allowdelete = forum_access_mod($fid, $gid, 'allowdelete'); $access = array('allowpost' => $allowpost, 'allowupdate' => $allowupdate, 'allowdelete' => $allowdelete); $header['title'] = $thread['subject']; $header['mobile_link'] = $thread['url']; $header['keywords'] = $thread['keyword'] ? $thread['keyword'] : $thread['subject']; $header['description'] = $thread['description'] ? $thread['description'] : $thread['brief']; $_SESSION['fid'] = $fid; if ($ajax) { empty($conf['api_on']) and message(0, lang('closed')); $apilist['header'] = $header; $apilist['extra'] = $extra; $apilist['access'] = $access; $apilist['thread'] = well_thread_safe_info($thread); $apilist['thread_data'] = $data; $apilist['forum'] = $forum; $apilist['imagelist'] = $imagelist; $apilist['filelist'] = $thread['filelist']; $apilist['threadlist'] = $threadlist; message(0, $apilist); } else { include _include(theme_load('single_page', $fid)); } break; default: message(-1, lang('data_malformation')); break; } ?>