I'm looking to write a migration string to add a new string to the enum column type. I'm trying to add gamma
to the service
I tried with this code below. This collides because the table and the column already exists.
const table = 'user_associations'
export function up (knex, Promise) {
return knex.schema.table(table, function (table) {
table.enu('service', ['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma']).notNullable()
export function down (knex, Promise) {
return knex.schema.table(table, function (table) {
table.enu('service', ['alpha', 'beta']).notNullable()
I'm looking to write a migration string to add a new string to the enum column type. I'm trying to add gamma
to the service
I tried with this code below. This collides because the table and the column already exists.
const table = 'user_associations'
export function up (knex, Promise) {
return knex.schema.table(table, function (table) {
table.enu('service', ['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma']).notNullable()
export function down (knex, Promise) {
return knex.schema.table(table, function (table) {
table.enu('service', ['alpha', 'beta']).notNullable()
Improve this question
asked Sep 27, 2016 at 0:31
59.5k97 gold badges257 silver badges459 bronze badges
- try to drop column first in one migration and create it on a second migration. if everything else fails, try knex.raw with pure sql – Sombriks Commented Sep 27, 2016 at 3:06
- Also created as a GitHub issue: github./knex/knex/issues/1699 – icc97 Commented Jan 26, 2023 at 11:49
5 Answers
Reset to default 4const tableName = 'user_associations'
export function up (knex, Promise) {
let existRows;
return knex.select()
.then((rows) => {
existRows = rows
return knex.schema.table(tableName, (table) => table.dropColumn('service'))
.then(() => knex.schema.table(tableName, (table) => table.enu('service', ['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma']).notNullable().default('alpha')))
.then(() => {
return Promise.all(existRows.map((row) => {
return knex(tableName)
.update({ service: row.service })
.where('id', row.id)
export default down(kenx, Promise) {
let existRows;
return kenx.select()
.then((rows) => {
existRows = rows
return knex.schema.table(tableName, (table) => table.dropColumn('service'))
.then(() => knex.schema.table(tableName, (table) => table.enu('service', ['alpha', 'beta']).notNullable().default('alpha')))
.then(() => {
return Promise.all(existRows.map((row) => {
return knex(tableName)
.update({ service: row.service === 'gamma' ? 'alpha' : row.service })
.where('id', row.id)
- notNull column need a default value ?
- better not use enum 'cause it's not reactive...I'll use tiny integer field and constants in code to control optional field
As of 2018-09-05, this is still an open knex issue #1699: https://github./knex/knex/issues/1699 (I believe you opened it!). If you're using PostgreSQL, then this is what I'd do:
- open up
$ psql
- connect to your database
> \c ...
> \dt
to see all the tables> \d user_associations
to see all the info for that table- find what the name of the check is. It should be
Then back in your migration:
exports.up = knex =>
ALTER TABLE ONLY user_associations
DROP CONSTRAINT user_associations_service_check;
ALTER TABLE ONLY user_associations
ADD CONSTRAINT user_associations_service_check
CHECK ("service" = ANY (ARRAY['alpha'::text, 'beta'::text, 'gamma'::text]));
exports.down = knex =>
ALTER TABLE ONLY user_associations
DROP CONSTRAINT user_associations_service_check;
ALTER TABLE ONLY user_associations
ADD CONSTRAINT user_associations_service_check
CHECK ("service" = ANY (ARRAY['alpha'::text, 'beta'::text));
This ment on your knexjs issue #1699 has a clever utility function for acplishing this:
const formatAlterTableEnumSql = (
) => {
const constraintName = `${tableName}_${columnName}_check`;
return [
`ALTER TABLE ${tableName} DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS ${constraintName};`,
`ALTER TABLE ${tableName} ADD CONSTRAINT ${constraintName} CHECK (${columnName} = ANY (ARRAY['${enums.join(
"'::text, '"
Carrying on from @rpearce's answer, as of Jan 2023 there is still no direct solution for this. It's even been added to the documentation that there is no Knex solution for this:
Knex does not provide any way to alter enumerations after creation. To change an enumeration later on you must use Knex.raw, and the appropriate mand for your database.
-- Knex.js .enum doc
As mentioned by @rpearce, there is a good workaround solution for Postgres only in the related GitHub issue.
The core being:
const formatAlterTableEnumSql = (
) => {
const constraintName = `${tableName}_${columnName}_check`;
return [
`ALTER TABLE ${tableName} DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS ${constraintName};`,
`ALTER TABLE ${tableName} ADD CONSTRAINT ${constraintName} CHECK (${columnName} = ANY (ARRAY['${enums.join(
"'::text, '"
This gives you a SQL string that you can run in knex.raw
However this wasn't enough for me because I need to add & delete an enum not just add one.
I wrote this ment on the GitHub #1699 issue and thought I'd share it here too.
With @holloway 's script I got the following error:
migration failed with error: ALTER TABLE screenings ADD CONSTRAINT screenings_status_check CHECK (status = ANY (ARRAY['CREATED'::text, 'NEEDS_REVIEW'::text, 'ARCHIVED'::text, 'FAILED'::text])); - check constraint "screenings_status_check" of relation "screenings" is violated by some row
This is because I am renaming NEEDS_REVIEW
status to REVIEW
. Instead of just adding a new enum, I am adding a new enum, but also deleting an old enum.
What I needed to do was roughly DROP CONSTRAINT
. With some minor refactoring I was able to re-use the core function.
Also I did a further refactor to the code for the constraint array:
ARRAY[${enums.map((e) => `'${e}'::text`).join(',')}]
This removes the duplicate ::text
and having to wrap it all in ''
- I just spotted that @sam-super did something similar in his code.
const oldEnum = { my_column_name: 'OLD_VALUE' }
const newEnum = { my_column_name: 'NEW_VALUE' }
const enumConstraintName = (tableName, columnName) =>
const dropEnumConstraint = (tableName, columnName) =>
`ALTER TABLE ${tableName} DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS ${enumConstraintName(
const addEnumConstraint = (tableName, columnName, enums) =>
`ALTER TABLE ${tableName} ADD CONSTRAINT ${enumConstraintName(
)} CHECK (${columnName} = ANY (ARRAY[${enums
.map((e) => `'${e}'::text`)
* SQL to replace Knex enum constraint for Postgres
* @param {string} tableName Postgres table name - assumes lowercase / snake_case
* @param {string} columnName Postgres column name - assumes lowercase / snake_case
* @param {string[]} enums Enum values
* @returns {string} Raw SQL statement
* {@link https://github./knex/knex/issues/1699#issuement-402603481}
* Get this error if you don't use this function:
* > migration file "20230126110521_migration.js" failed
* > migration failed with error: update "my_table_name" set "my_column_name" = $1 where "my_column_name" = $2 - new row for relation "my_table_name" violates check constraint "my_table_name_my_column_name_check"
* {@link https://stackoverflow./questions/39714345/update-enum-column-types-in-knex-migration}
const formatAlterTableEnumSql = (tableName, columnName, enums) =>
dropEnumConstraint(tableName, columnName),
addEnumConstraint(tableName, columnName, enums),
export const up = async (knex) => {
await knex
.raw(dropEnumConstraint('my_table_name', 'my_column_name'))
.then(() => knex('my_table_name').where(oldEnum).update(newEnum))
.then(() =>
addEnumConstraint('my_table_name', 'my_column_name', [
export const down = async (knex) => {
await knex
.raw(dropEnumConstraint('my_table_name', 'my_column_name'))
.then(() => knex('my_table_name').where(newEnum).update(oldEnum))
.then(() =>
addEnumConstraint('my_table_name', 'my_column_name', [
export default {
Actually, according to Knex documentation we could user alter()
const table = 'user_associations'
export async function up (knex) {
return knex.schema.alterTable(table, (table) => {
table.enu('service', ['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma']).notNullable().alter()
export async function down (knex) {
return knex.schema.alterTable(table, (table) => {
table.enu('service', ['alpha', 'beta']).notNullable().alter()
Comment mentioned by @Sombriks also worked fine for me-
First drop 'service' column in one migration
const table = 'user_associations' export.up= async function (knex) { await knex.schema.table(table, (table)=> { table.dropColumn('service'); }); } export.down= async function (knex) { await knex.schema.table(table, (table)=> { table.enu('service', ['alpha', 'beta').notNullable() }); } ```
Add option in 'service' column in another migration
const table = 'user_associations' export.up= async function (knex) { await knex.schema.table(table, (table)=> { table.enu('service', ['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma']).notNullable() }); } export.down= async function (knex) { await knex.schema.table(table, (table)=> { table.dropColumn('service'); }); } ```