
laravel - I got composer error with nova licence issue - Stack Overflow


On laravel 11 site I need manually edit content of nova-permission package and I edited my root composer.json :

"require": {
        "vyuldashev/nova-permission": "dev-master"

    "repositories": [
            "type": "path",
            "url": "./components/nova-permission",
            "options": {

                "symlink": true
            "type": "composer",
            "url": ";

and in /components/nova-permission/composer.json :

    "name": "vyuldashev/nova-permission",
    "version": "3.2.0",

But running composer update I got next:

This token will have read-only permission for public information only.
When you need to access _private_ GitHub repositories as well, go to ;description=Composer+on+master-at-home+2025-02-19+0904
Note that such tokens have broad read/write permissions on your behalf, even if not needed by Composer.
Tokens will be stored in plain text in "/home/master/.config/composer/auth.json" for future use by Composer.
For additional information, check .md#github-oauth
Token (hidden):

I opened proposed ;description=Composer+on+master-at-home+2025-02-19+0904 page and generated proposed token and copypasted in in composer command :

$ composer update
Deprecation Notice: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in /usr/share/php/Symfony/Component/Console/Command/DumpCompletionCommand.php:48
Deprecation Notice: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in /usr/share/php/Symfony/Component/Console/Command/DumpCompletionCommand.php:56
Deprecation Notice: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in /usr/share/php/Composer/Autoload/AutoloadGenerator.php:879
Deprecation Notice: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in /usr/share/php/Composer/Autoload/AutoloadGenerator.php:884
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies
Nothing to modify in lock file
Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev)
Package operations: 72 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
  - Downloading doctrine/lexer (2.1.1)
  - Downloading egulias/email-validator (3.2.6)
  - Downloading monolog/monolog (2.10.0)
  - Downloading laravel/framework (v9.47.0)
  - Downloading rap2hpoutre/fast-excel (v5.6.0)
  - Downloading brick/money (0.10.0)
  - Downloading laravel/nova (4.35.6)
 0/7 [>---------------------------]   0%Warning from nova.laravel:

Your license is not allowed to download this release!
    Failed to download laravel/nova from dist: Invalid credentials for '.zip', aborting.
    Now trying to download from source
  - Syncing laravel/nova (4.35.6) into cache
Cloning failed using an ssh key for authentication, enter your GitHub credentials to access private repos
When working with _public_ GitHub repositories only, head to =&description=Composer+on+master-at-home+2025-02-19+0904 to retrieve a token.
This token will have read-only permission for public information only.
When you need to access _private_ GitHub repositories as well, go to ;description=Composer+on+master-at-home+2025-02-19+0904
Note that such tokens have broad read/write permissions on your behalf, even if not needed by Composer.
Tokens will be stored in plain text in "/home/master/.config/composer/auth.json" for future use by Composer.
For additional information, check .md#github-oauth
Token (hidden):
Token stored successfully.
 1/7 [====>-----------------------]  14%  - Downloading doctrine/lexer (2.1.1)
  - Downloading egulias/email-validator (3.2.6)
  - Downloading monolog/monolog (2.10.0)
  - Downloading laravel/framework (v9.47.0)
  - Downloading rap2hpoutre/fast-excel (v5.6.0)
  - Downloading brick/money (0.10.0)
 7/7 [============================] 100%
In Git.php line 457:

  Failed to execute git clone --mirror -- 'https://ghp...Z7k:[email protected]/laravel/nova.git' '/home/master/.cache/composer/vcs/git-github-laravel-nova.git/'

  Cloning into bare repository '/home/master/.cache/composer/vcs/git-github-laravel-nova.git'...
  remote: Repository not found.
  fatal: repository '.git/' not found

update [--with WITH] [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--prefer-install PREFER-INSTALL] [--dry-run] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--lock] [--no-install] [--no-autoloader] [--no-suggest] [--no-progress] [-w|--with-dependencies] [-W|--with-all-dependencies] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-o|--optimize-autoloader] [-a|--classmap-authoritative] [--apcu-autoloader] [--apcu-autoloader-prefix APCU-AUTOLOADER-PREFIX] [--ignore-platform-req IGNORE-PLATFORM-REQ] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--prefer-stable] [--prefer-lowest] [-i|--interactive] [--root-reqs] [--] [<packages>...]

But why error with cloning nova? My app has licence. Does the composer command try to upgrade the nova(which is not within my licence ) ?

On my nova site I can open some pages ok, but on some page I got error :

403 Hold Up! The government won't let us show you what's behind these doors…

Looks like these are Permisions page or related with it page...

How that can be fixed ?



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