when i do
git push --all
i want it to go through my .git/config
settings and push all my local branches by following the upstream settings in there! such as
[branch "main"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/master
instead, it pushes main
as a new undesired branch to origin
(yes, i know, ideally we would abolish all master
branches and live happily ever after with only main
everywhere, but i did not reach heaven just yet!)
my solution, for now, relies on this script. let's call it gitpushall.sh
(which i still haven't even tested):
for branch in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/heads/); do
upstream="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref "$branch"@{upstream} 2>/dev/null || :)"
[ -z "$upstream" ] && continue
git push "$remote" "$branch:$remotebranch"
(because me and my ai could not come up with anything better. also...)
because i have been inactive for so long, i now wonder: do we have a more elegant solution for this?
(you know, other than migrating everyone into fossil
or something. i will also happily accept a new paradigm shift in versioning, as i never really liked something about git...)
(too much) more background
too short; didn't understand why?
perhaps i got too frustrated after having to delete my global config setting main branch to upstream to main, which i don't even know why i created (or bothered to look in my own git blame) to begin with, and got blindsided with something obvious.
but yeah, after creating so many scripts to handle committing and deploying to a few different git hosts, and web hosts, and getting most of them working elegantly enough, i feel this stands as the ugliest line out of hundreds of lines of scripts well written! you can check them out on or as you prefer. so, yeah, i will not change everything to freaking master (unless my loving master commands me to) just because 1 "small" project might enforce it.
also, why i prefer to use http instead of https, you might wonder? well, i fear that will get way too off-topic for this question, so i will add more details as comments.