
plugins - WooCommerce Report on Sale (Discounted) Price?

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Closed 5 days ago.

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Does anyone know if a plugin exists for reporting on sales (product price discount) over a time period? I'm having trouble looking for this, because of the overly broad use of the term "sale" here. This image displays what I'm going for:

I'm primarily using variable products, but would like this to also work on simple products. I'm able to find coupon use reporting, as well as total revenue, but nothing that helps me distinguish between "regular price" and "sale price" revenue.

I could probably create such a plugin, as long as the order data provided this in a clearly distinguished way, but this seems like the kind of thing that someone else has to have solved already. The ideal situation would be a plugin that provides an extension to WooCommerce analytics, providing this within the pretty good existing reporting.




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