The Google Maps API objects are used like this: google.maps."Constructor"
it seems.
I want to fake the calls listed below...
//var map = new google.maps.Map(value);
//var fireStationBound = new google.maps.LatLng(val,val);
//var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(boundary, boundary);
//var markerFireStation = new google.maps.Marker(val);
//var waterstationLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer(val);
...with the code below...
$(document).ready(function() {
function google() {
/* todo: Setup for every constructor a test function returning the test data */
function LatLng(value) {
function LatLngBounds(value,value) {
function Marker(value) {
function Map(value) {
function KmlLayer(value) {
var maps = {
maps: {
LatLng: LatLng,
LatLngBounds: LatLngBounds,
Marker: Marker,
Map: Map,
KmlLayer: KmlLayer
return maps;
**// Works**
var google = new google();
var bound = new google.maps.LatLng(10);
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(10,20);
var marker = new google.maps.Marker(10);
var layer = new google.maps.KmlLayer(10);
var map = new google.maps.Map(10);
**// Doesn't Work **
How can I fake this Google code...
...which is returned by calling...
var map = google.maps.Map(val);
What must my JavaScript look like to type map.mapTypes.set()
and finally the set function is called?
I just want to fake the Google objects which I use in my code for unit tests.
The Google Maps API objects are used like this: google.maps."Constructor"
it seems.
I want to fake the calls listed below...
//var map = new google.maps.Map(value);
//var fireStationBound = new google.maps.LatLng(val,val);
//var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(boundary, boundary);
//var markerFireStation = new google.maps.Marker(val);
//var waterstationLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer(val);
...with the code below...
$(document).ready(function() {
function google() {
/* todo: Setup for every constructor a test function returning the test data */
function LatLng(value) {
function LatLngBounds(value,value) {
function Marker(value) {
function Map(value) {
function KmlLayer(value) {
var maps = {
maps: {
LatLng: LatLng,
LatLngBounds: LatLngBounds,
Marker: Marker,
Map: Map,
KmlLayer: KmlLayer
return maps;
**// Works**
var google = new google();
var bound = new google.maps.LatLng(10);
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(10,20);
var marker = new google.maps.Marker(10);
var layer = new google.maps.KmlLayer(10);
var map = new google.maps.Map(10);
**// Doesn't Work **
How can I fake this Google code...
...which is returned by calling...
var map = google.maps.Map(val);
What must my JavaScript look like to type map.mapTypes.set()
and finally the set function is called?
I just want to fake the Google objects which I use in my code for unit tests.
Share Improve this question edited Aug 8, 2016 at 16:36 Chris Cashwell 22.9k13 gold badges66 silver badges98 bronze badges asked May 17, 2013 at 14:38 ElisabethElisabeth 21.2k57 gold badges208 silver badges325 bronze badges3 Answers
Reset to default 13Here's our Google Maps stub for v3.19.18. It was originally written in CoffeeScript, but I ran it through js2coffee and here's a raw Javascript implementation. I've added mapTypes.set()
for you.
window.stubGoogleAPIS = function () {
return = {
maps: {
Animation: {},
BicyclingLayer: function() {},
Circle: function () {},
ControlPosition: {},
Data: function() {},
DirectionsRenderer: function() {},
DirectionsService: function() {},
DirectionsStatus: {},
DirectionsTravelMode: {},
DirectionsUnitSystem: {},
DistanceMatrixElementStatus: {},
DistanceMatrixService: function() {},
DistanceMatrixStatus: {},
ElevationService: function() {},
ElevationStatus: {},
FusionTablesLayer: function() {},
Geocoder: function() {},
GeocoderLocationType: {},
GeocoderStatus: {},
GroundOverlay: function() {},
ImageMapType: function () {},
InfoWindow: function() {},
KmlLayer: function() {},
KmlLayerStatus: {},
LatLng: function() {},
LatLngBounds: function() {},
MVCArray: function() {},
MVCObject: function() {},
Map: function () {
return {
setTilt: function () { },
mapTypes: {
set: function () { }
overlayMapTypes: {
insertAt: function () { },
removeAt: function () { }
MapTypeControlStyle: {},
MapTypeId: {
MapTypeRegistry: function() {},
Marker: function() {},
MarkerImage: function() {},
MaxZoomService: function () {
return {
getMaxZoomAtLatLng: function () { }
MaxZoomStatus: {},
NavigationControlStyle: {},
OverlayView: function () { },
Point: function() {},
Polygon: function() {},
Polyline: function() {},
Rectangle: function() {},
SaveWidget: function() {},
ScaleControlStyle: {},
Size: function() {},
StreetViewCoverageLayer: function() {},
StreetViewPanorama: function() {},
StreetViewService: function() {},
StreetViewStatus: {},
StrokePosition: {},
StyledMapType: function() {},
SymbolPath: {},
TrafficLayer: function() {},
TransitLayer: function() {},
TransitMode: {},
TransitRoutePreference: {},
TravelMode: {},
UnitSystem: {},
ZoomControlStyle: {},
__gjsload__: function () { },
event: {
addListener: function () { }
places: {
AutocompleteService: function () {
return {
getPlacePredictions: function () { }
Here's a stub for Google Maps v3.36, which is the release version at the time of writing. This API is updated frequently so I have included links to each relevant section of the Reference API: if any updates are required they should be easy to find:
window.stubGoogleAPIS = function () {
return = {
maps: {
Animation: {},
Attribution: {},
BicyclingLayer: function() {
return {
getMap: function() {},
setMap: function() {}
Circle: function() {},
ControlPosition: {},
Data: function() {},
DirectionsRenderer: function() {
return {
getDirections: function() {},
getMap: function() {},
getPanel: function() {},
getRouteIndex: function() {},
setDirections: function() {},
setMap: function() {},
setOptions: function() {},
setPanel: function() {},
setRouteIndex: function() {}
DirectionsService: function() {},
DirectionsStatus: {},
DistanceMatrixElementStatus: {},
DistanceMatrixService: function() {},
DistanceMatrixStatus: {},
ElevationService: function() {},
ElevationStatus: {},
FusionTablesLayer: function() {},
Geocoder: function() {},
GeocoderLocationType: {},
GeocoderStatus: {},
GroundOverlay: function() {},
ImageMapType: function() {},
InfoWindow: function() {},
KmlLayer: function() {},
KmlLayerStatus: {},
LatLng: function() {},
LatLngBounds: function() {},
MVCArray: function() {},
MVCObject: function() {},
Map: function() {
return {
fitBounds: function() {},
getBounds: function() {},
getCenter: function() {},
getClickableIcons: function() {},
getDiv: function() {},
getHeading: function() {},
getMapTypeId: function() {},
getProjection: function() {},
getStreetView: function() {},
getTilt: function() {},
getZoom: function() {},
panBy: function(x, y) {},
panTo: function (latLng) { },
panToBounds: function() {},
setCenter: function (latlng) { },
setClickableIcons: function (value) { },
setHeading: function (heading) { },
setMapTypeId: function (mapTypeId) { },
setOptions: function (options) { },
setStreetView: function(panorama) {
return {
getLinks: function () { },
getLocation: function () { },
getMotionTracking: function () { },
getPano: function () { },
getPhotographerPov: function () { },
getPosition: function () { },
getPov: function () { },
getStatus: function () { },
getVisible: function () { },
getZoom: function () { },
registerPanoProvider: function () { },
setLinks: function (links) { },
setMotionTracking: function (motionTracking) { },
setOptions: function (options) { },
setPano: function () { },
setPosition: function (latLng) { },
setPov: function (pov) { },
setVisible: function (flag) { },
setZoom: function (zoom) { }
setTilt: function (tilt) { },
setZoom: function (zoom) { },
controls: {},
data: {
add: function() {},
addGeoJson: function() {},
contains: function() {},
forEach: function() {},
getControlPosition: function() {},
getControls: function() {},
getDrawingMode: function() {},
getFeatureById: function() {},
getMap: function() {},
getStyle: function() {},
loadGeoJson: function() {},
overrideStyle: function() {},
remove: function() {},
revertStyle: function() {},
setControlPosition: function() {},
setControls: function() {},
setDrawingMode: function() {},
setMap: function() {},
setStyle: function() {},
toGeoJson: function() {},
controlPosition: {},
controls: [],
mapTypes: {
set: function() {}
overlayMapTypes: {
clear: function() {},
forEach: function() {},
getArray: function() {},
getAt: function() {},
getLength: function() {},
insertAt: function() {},
pop: function() {},
push: function() {},
removeAt: function() {},
setAt: function() {}
MapTypeControlStyle: {},
MapTypeId: {
MapTypeRegistry: function() {},
Marker: function() {
return {
setTitle: function(visible) {},
setVisible: function() {},
setZIndex: function() {}
MarkerImage: function() {},
MarkerOptions: {
anchorPoint: {
equals: function() {},
toString: function() {}
animation: {
DROP: ''
visible: false
MaxZoomService: function () {
return {
getMaxZoomAtLatLng: function (latlng, callback) { }
MaxZoomStatus: {},
NavigationControlStyle: {},
OverlayView: function () { },
Point: function () { },
Polygon: function() {
return {
getDraggable: function () { },
getEditable: function () { },
getMap: function () { },
getPath: function () { },
getPaths: function () { },
getVisible: function () { },
setDraggable: function (draggable) { },
setEditable: function (editable) { },
setMap: function (map) { },
setOptions: function (options) { },
setPath: function (path) { },
setPaths: function (paths) { },
setVisible: function (visible) { }
Polyline: function () { },
Rectangle: function () { },
SaveWidget: function () { },
ScaleControlStyle: {},
Size: function (width, height, widthUnit, heightUnit) { },
StreetViewCoverageLayer: function () { },
StreetViewPanorama: function () { },
StreetViewService: function () { },
StreetViewStatus: {},
StrokePosition: {},
StyledMapType: function () { },
SymbolPath: {},
TrafficLayer: function () { },
TransitLayer: function () { },
TransitMode: {},
TransitRoutePreference: {},
TravelMode: {},
UnitSystem: {},
ZoomControlStyle: {},
__gjsload__: function () { },
event: {
addListener: function () { },
addDomListener: function () { }
places: {
AutocompleteService: function () {
return {
getPlacePredictions: function () { }
visualization: {
ColumnChart: function() {
return {
draw: function () { }
DataTable: function () {
return {
addColumn: function (description_object) { },
addRow: function (opt_cellArray) { },
addRows: function (numOrArray) { },
clone: function() { },
getColumnId: function (columnIndex) { },
getColumnLabel: function (columnIndex) { },
getColumnPattern: function (columnIndex) { },
getColumnProperties: function (columnIndex) { },
getColumnProperty: function (columnIndex, name) { },
getColumnRange: function (columnIndex) { },
getColumnRole: function (columnIndex) { },
getColumnType: function (columnIndex) { },
getDistinctValues: function (columnIndex) { },
getFilteredRows: function (filters) { },
getFormattedValue: function (rowIndex, columnIndex) { },
getNumberOfColumns: function() { },
getNumberOfRows: function() { },
getProperties: function (rowIndex, columnIndex) {},
getProperty: function(rowIndex, columnIndex, name) {},
getRowProperties: function(rowIndex) {},
getRowProperty: function() {},
getSortedRows: function(sortedColumns) {},
getTableProperties: function () { },
getTableProperty: function (name) { },
getValue: function(rowIndex, columnIndex) {}
DataView: {},
ChartWrapper: {},
ChartEditor: {},
change your Map()
function to this -
function Map(value) {
this.mapTypes = {
return true;
then map.mapTypes.set();
should work
check out this link which explains how to define javascript class. very useful.