




批处理文件 - 检查命令是否可用(Batch file - check if command is available)

我正在Windows中编写一个小批量文件,需要运行nodejs应用程序。 在运行应用程序之前,我需要确保用户安装了该节点,如果没有向他显示该节点是必需的消息。


@echo OFFsetlocal EnableDelayedExpansionREM Check if node is installedfor /f "delims=" %%i in ('node -v') do set output=%%iIF "!output!" EQU "" ( echo node could not be found) else ( node %~dp0app.js)

如果用户已安装节点,则output将包含版本号。 如果没有安装,那么它将是空的。 这个逻辑有效。 但是,如果未安装node -v (未找到node -v命令),则批处理结果还会显示以下输出:

'node' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.node could not be found



I'm writing a small batch file in windows that needs to run a nodejs app. Before running the app I need to make sure that node is installed by the user, and if not show him a message that node is required.

What I did is this:

@echo OFFsetlocal EnableDelayedExpansionREM Check if node is installedfor /f "delims=" %%i in ('node -v') do set output=%%iIF "!output!" EQU "" ( echo node could not be found) else ( node %~dp0app.js)

If the user has node installed then output will contain the version number. If not installed then it will be empty. This logic works. But if node is not installed (node -v command not found), the batch result also shows the following output:

'node' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.node could not be found

I would like to hide the "not recognized" message from the user and just show "node could not be found".

How can I hide it?



set "output=not installed"for /f "delims=" %%i in ('node -v 2^>nul') do set output=%%iecho %output%


where node.exe >nul 2>&1 && echo installed || echo not installed


where node.exe >nul 2>&1 && node %~dp0app.js || echo node could not be found

to suppress the errormessage, redirect it to NUL:

set "output=not installed"for /f "delims=" %%i in ('node -v 2^>nul') do set output=%%iecho %output%

another way (inspired by Npocmaka's answer):

where node.exe >nul 2>&1 && echo installed || echo not installed

or to keep closer to your original output:

where node.exe >nul 2>&1 && node %~dp0app.js || echo node could not be found



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