How can I improve the speed of my algorithm, even by the slightest amount. For the reason I made this I don't actually care about speed in the slightest, but I'm wondering what I could change if I did. Even more than pointing out specific things to change, what I really want to know is how you know that there's a more efficient way and how that way works. Basically, what is the track to follow if you want to learn how the low level stuff works so that you can write better code at the higher level.
def decode_all(ob): if(type(ob)==list): for i in range(len(ob)): ob[i] = decode_all(ob[i]) if(type(ob)==dict): for i in ob.copy(): ob[i] = decode_all(ob[i]) if(type(i)==bytes): ob[i.decode()] = ob[i] ob.pop(i) if(type(ob)==tuple): new_ob = [] for i in ob: new_ob.append(decode_all(i)) ob = tuple(new_ob) if(type(ob)==bytes): return ob.decode() return ob 推荐答案修改后的代码:
def decode_all(ob): if isinstance(ob, list): return [decode_all(e) for e in ob] if isinstance(ob, dict): return {decode_all(k): decode_all(v) for k, v in ob.items()} if isinstance(ob, tuple): return tuple([decode_all(e) for e in ob]) if isinstance(ob, bytes): return ob.decode() return ob通常,我同意使用 if ... elif ... elif ... ,但是在这种情况下,立即返回结果会更简单.
Usually, I agree with the use of if ... elif ... elif ..., but in this case, it's simpler to just return the result right away.
from functools import singledispatch @singledispatch def decode_all(ob): return ob @decode_all.register def _(ob: bytes): return ob.decode() @decode_all.register def _(ob: list): return [decode_all(e) for e in ob] @decode_all.register def _(ob: dict): return {decode_all(k): decode_all(v) for k, v in ob.items()} @decode_all.register def _(ob: tuple): return tuple([decode_all(e) for e in ob])