好,所以我有两个用于MVC 4网站之一的JQuery插件
Ok, so I have two JQuery plugins that I use for one of my MVC 4 sites
- jQuery验证
- JQGrid
JQuery Validation插件依赖于JQuery版本1.9,而JQGrid插件依赖于JQuery 1.7.
The JQuery Validation plugin is dependent of JQuery version 1.9 while the JQGrid plugin is dependent on JQuery 1.7.
Both these plugins are used in the same view. How do I include both versions?
我阅读了有关Jquery noconflict函数的信息,但是由于我没有直接引用特定的JQuery版本,因此这并不适用.我还尝试使用似乎无效的JQuery迁移插件.
I read about the Jquery noconflict function, but because I'm not referencing a specific JQuery version directly this does not apply. I also tried to use the JQuery migrate plugin which didn't seem to work.
Any other ideas on how I can resolve this?
You don't need to reference two different versions of jQuery, as jqGrid works with 1.9.
来源:其网站上的演示示例使用jQ1.9,并且从他们的 wiki 引用:
Source: the demo examples on their website use jQ1.9, and also a quote from their wiki:
要求: jQuery库,版本1.3或更高版本.
Requirements: jQuery library, version 1.3 or later.
If you are using an older version of jqGrid than 4.4.4, you may need to upgrade it. This will be a simpler process than running two versions of jQuery.