I have two different array types. One of them string array another object array;
stringArray = ["P1", "P2", "P3"]; objectArray = [{ P: "P1", PO: 5}, { P: "P3", PO: 10}];我想将对象数组放到表中.字符串数组元素必须是表头.
I want to put object array to a table. String array elements must be table headers.
如果对象数组具有P == "P1",则将5放入单元格.否则将空单元格放入行中.
If object array has P == "P1" put 5 to cell. Else put empty cell to row.
I tried this but this put multiple empty cells.
这是我的代码"tKeys" = stringArray,"Ciktilar" = objectArray
This is my code "tKeys" = stringArray, "Ciktilar" = objectArray
var baslikEklendiMi = false; var satirEkle = function(CalismaTipi, Ciktilar, tKeys) { var satir = '<td>' + CalismaTipi + '</td>'; $.each(tKeys, function (i, val) { if (baslikEklendiMi == false) { $("#tblBaslik").append("<th>" + val+ "</th>"); } $.each(Ciktilar, function (j, obj) { if (val == obj.P) { satir += '<td><b>' + obj.PO+ '</b></td>'; } else { satir += '<td></td>'; } }); }); baslikEklendiMi = true; $("#tblListe").append('<tr>' + satir + '</tr>'); }推荐答案
|--|--|--|--| |ct|P1|P2|P3| |--|--|--|--| |??|5 | |10| |--|--|--|--|您需要对代码进行五项更改:
There are five changes that need to be made to your code:
1) Line 7 (below): Instantiate emptyCell, assign false;
2) Line 9: Add $("#tblBaslik").append("<th>ct</th>") to account for CalismaTipi column,
3)第25-27行:将satir += '<td></td>'移至Ciktilar循环之外.
3) Line 25-27: Move satir += '<td></td>' to outside the Ciktilar loop.
4) Line 22: Assign true to emptyCell.
5) Line 18-19: Reset emptyCell and exit the Ciktilar loop.
var stringArray = ["P1", "P2", "P3"]; var objectArray = [{ P: "P1", PO: 5}, { P: "P3", PO: 10}]; var baslikEklendiMi = false; var satirEkle = function(CalismaTipi, Ciktilar, tKeys) { var emptyCell = false; // Line 7 var satir = '<td>' + CalismaTipi + '</td>'; $("#tblBaslik").append("<th>ct</th>"); // Line 9 $.each(tKeys, function (i, val) { if (baslikEklendiMi === false) { $("#tblBaslik").append("<th>" + val+ "</th>"); } $.each(Ciktilar, function (j, obj) { if (val == obj.P) { satir += '<td><b>' + obj.PO+ '</b></td>'; emptyCell = false; // Line 18 return false; } else { emptyCell = true; // Line 22 } }); if (emptyCell) { // Line 24 satir += '<td></td>'; } }); baslikEklendiMi = true; $("#tblListe").append('<tr>' + satir + '</tr>'); }; satirEkle('??', objectArray, stringArray);之所以需要将satir += '<td></td>';移到Ciktilar循环之外是因为stringArray列表不直接与objectArray列表相对应.您要检查所有stringArray元素以找到匹配项,如果在检查所有stringArray元素后都没有匹配项,则写一个空单元格.因此,不要在循环中写入satir,而是要设置emptyCell标志,并在循环后检查该标志.
The reason you need to move satir += '<td></td>'; outside the Ciktilar loop is because the stringArray list does not correspond directly to the objectArray list. You want to check ALL the stringArray elements to find a match, and if no match after ALL the stringArray elements are checked THEN write an empty cell. So, rather than write to satir in the loop, set an emptyCell flag, and check that flag after the loop.