我有一个严格按降序排列的数组和一个元素 val ;我想在小于val的数组中找到最大元素的索引(或者如果val已经存在,则等于),我想在 login 时间内这样做.反转数组并执行upper_bound()也不是可行的选择.
I have an array sorted in strictly decreasing order and an element val; i want to find the index of largest element in the array which is less than val(or equal if val already exists there) and i want to do so in logn time. And reversing the array and doing upper_bound() is not an option.
Eg. if array is {10,5,3,1} and val is 6, the function should return 1.
I am really new to iterators and tried something like adding a comparison function in upper_bound() to make it work but it failed. How should I go about this.
Note: I checked for similar questions prior to posting and found one but unfortunately it pertained to Java, so.
推荐答案只需将 upper_bound 与适当的比较功能配合使用:
Just use upper_bound with the proper comparison function:
- 您的列表是相反的( upper_bound 通常期望顺序递增),因此您需要使用> 而不是< .
- 您要包括搜索到的元素(而 upper_bound 通常会排除它),因此您需要使用> = 而不是仅仅使用> .
- Your list is reversed (upper_bound usually expects increasing order) so you need to use > rather than <.
- You want to include the searched element (while upper_bound usually excludes it) so you need to use >= rather than mere >.
int data[] = {10,5,3,1}; auto item = std::upper_bound(std::begin(data), std::end(data), 6, [](int a, int b) { return a >= b; });现在,您只需要将生成的迭代器转换为索引(在检查其有效之后即可):
Now you only have to convert the resulting iterator to an index (after checking it is valid):
if (item != std::end(data)) { auto index = std::distance(std::begin(data), item); std::cout << index << std::endl; } else std::cout << "not found" << std::endl;