
什么时候该算法破字的复杂性? (动态规划)

本文介绍了什么时候该算法破字的复杂性? (动态规划)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述   

字歇(用动态规划:上>下)给定一个字符串s和文字的字典dict,以s加空格来构造一个句子   其中每个字是一个有效的字典中的单词。




例如,因为 S =catsanddog,字典=猫,猫,和,沙,狗。


一个解决方案是[猫与狗,猫沙狗。   问:

  • 在时间复杂度?
  • 在空间的复杂性?


  • 在时间复杂度= O(N!),没有动态规划,n是给定字符串的长度,
  • 空间复杂度= O(N)。


  • 想不通与动态规划的时间复杂度。
  • 在它看来,上方的空间复杂度是不正确的。

   code 【JAVA]

公共类解决方案{     公开名单<字符串> wordBreak(字符串S,集<字符串>字典){         名单<字符串>名单=新的ArrayList<字符串>();         //输入检查。         如果(S == NULL || s.length()== 0 ||             字典== NULL || dict.size()== 0)返回目录;         INT的len = s.length();         //备忘录[i]的记录,         //我们是否切断指数我,就可以得到结果之一。         布尔备忘录[] =新的布尔[LEN]         的for(int i = 0; I< LEN;我++)备注[I] = TRUE;         StringBuilder的tmpStrBuilder =新的StringBuilder();         助手(S,0,tmpStrBuilder,字典,列表,备忘录);         返回列表;     }     私人无效帮手(的String,诠释开始,StringBuilder的tmpStrBuilder,                         设置<字符串>字典,列表和LT;字符串>列表中,布尔[]备忘录){         //基本情况。         如果(开始> = s.length()){             list.add(tmpStrBuilder.toString()修剪());             返回;         }         INT listSizeBeforeRecursion = 0;         的for(int i =启动; I< s.length();我++){             如果(备注[I] ==假)继续;             字符串CURR = s.substring(启动,I + 1);             如果继续(dict.contains(CURR)!);             //有一个尝试。             tmpStrBuilder.append(CURR);             tmpStrBuilder.append();             //做递归。             listSizeBeforeRecursion =则为list.size();             助手(S,I + 1,tmpStrBuilder,字典,列表,备忘录);             如果(则为list.size()== listSizeBeforeRecursion)备注[I] = FALSE;             //回滚。             tmpStrBuilder.setLength(tmpStrBuilder.length() - curr.length() - 1);         }     } }



时间:O(N * M)  N - 字符串大小  米 - 字典大小



Dynamic编程 - 字歇

Word Break(with Dynamic Programming: Top->Down) Given a string s and a dictionary of words dict, add spaces in s to construct a sentence where each word is a valid dictionary word.

Return all such possible sentences.

For example, given s = "catsanddog", dict = ["cat", "cats", "and", "sand", "dog"].

A solution is ["cats and dog", "cat sand dog"]. Question:

  • Time complexity ?
  • Space complexity ?

Personally I think,

  • Time complexity = O(n!), without Dynamic Programming, n is the length of the given string,
  • Space complexity = O(n).

The puzzled:

  • Can not figure out the time complexity with Dynamic Programming.
  • It seems that the space complexity above is not correct.


public class Solution { public List<String> wordBreak(String s, Set<String> dict) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); // Input checking. if (s == null || s.length() == 0 || dict == null || dict.size() == 0) return list; int len = s.length(); // memo[i] is recording, // whether we cut at index "i", can get one of the result. boolean memo[] = new boolean[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i ++) memo[i] = true; StringBuilder tmpStrBuilder = new StringBuilder(); helper(s, 0, tmpStrBuilder, dict, list, memo); return list; } private void helper(String s, int start, StringBuilder tmpStrBuilder, Set<String> dict, List<String> list, boolean[] memo) { // Base case. if (start >= s.length()) { list.add(tmpStrBuilder.toString().trim()); return; } int listSizeBeforeRecursion = 0; for (int i = start; i < s.length(); i ++) { if (memo[i] == false) continue; String curr = s.substring(start, i + 1); if (!dict.contains(curr)) continue; // Have a try. tmpStrBuilder.append(curr); tmpStrBuilder.append(" "); // Do recursion. listSizeBeforeRecursion = list.size(); helper(s, i + 1, tmpStrBuilder, dict, list, memo); if (list.size() == listSizeBeforeRecursion) memo[i] = false; // Roll back. tmpStrBuilder.setLength(tmpStrBuilder.length() - curr.length() - 1); } } }


With DP:

Time: O(N*M) N - string size M - dict size

Memory: O(N)

See my answer here, with code example:

Dynamic Programming - Word Break



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