I've been trying to performance optimize a BFS implementation in Python and my original implementation was using deque to store the queue of nodes to expand and a dict to store the same nodes so that I would have efficient lookup to see if it is already open.
I attempted to optimize (simplicity and efficiency) by moving to an OrderedDict. However, this takes significantly more time. 400 sample searches done take 2 seconds with deque/dict and 3.5 seconds with just an OrderedDict.
My question is, if OrderedDict does the same functionality as the two original data structures, should it not at least be similar in performance? Or am I missing something here? Code examples below.
Using just an OrderedDict:
open_nodes = OrderedDict() closed_nodes = {} current = Node(start_position, None, 0) open_nodes[current.position] = current while open_nodes: current = open_nodes.popitem(False)[1] closed_nodes[current.position] = (current) if goal(current.position): return trace_path(current, open_nodes, closed_nodes) # Nodes bordering current for neighbor in self.environment.neighbors[current.position]: new_node = Node(neighbor, current, current.depth + 1) open_nodes[new_node.position] = new_node同时使用双端队列和字典:
Using both a deque and a dictionary:
open_queue = deque() open_nodes = {} closed_nodes = {} current = Node(start_position, None, 0) open_queue.append(current) open_nodes[current.position] = current while open_queue: current = open_queue.popleft() del open_nodes[current.position] closed_nodes[current.position] = (current) if goal_function(current.position): return trace_path(current, open_nodes, closed_nodes) # Nodes bordering current for neighbor in self.environment.neighbors[current.position]: new_node = Node(neighbor, current, current.depth + 1) open_queue.append(new_node) open_nodes[new_node.position] = new_node推荐答案
deque 和 dict 均在C语言中实现,并且运行速度比 OrderedDict em>在纯Python中实现.
Both deque and dict are implemented in C and will run faster than OrderedDict which is implemented in pure Python.
OrderedDict 的优点在于,它像常规字典一样具有O(1)getitem,setitem和delitem.这意味着,尽管纯python实现较慢,它也可以很好地扩展.
The advantage of the OrderedDict is that it has O(1) getitem, setitem, and delitem just like regular dicts. This means that it scales very well, despite the slower pure python implementation.
Competing implementations using deques, lists, or binary trees usually forgo fast big-Oh times in one of those categories in order to get a speed or space benefit in another category.
更新:从Python 3.5开始, OrderedDict()现在具有C实现.尽管它还没有像其他一些容器那样经过高度优化.它应该比纯python实现快得多.然后从Python 3.6开始,已经对常规词典进行了排序(尽管尚不能保证排序行为).那些应该跑得更快:-)
Update: Starting with Python 3.5, OrderedDict() now has a C implementation. And though it hasn't been highly optimized like some of the other containers. It should run much faster than the pure python implementation. Then starting with Python 3.6, regular dictionaries has been ordered (though the ordering behavior is not yet guaranteed). Those should run faster still :-)