I am wondering how i could generate random numbers that appear in a circular distribution.
我能够在矩形分布中生成随机点,以使这些点在(0< = x< 1000,0< = y< 1000)的平方内生成:
I am able to generate random points in a rectangular distribution such that the points are generated within the square of (0 <= x < 1000, 0 <= y < 1000):
How would i go upon to generate the points within a circle such that:
(x-500)^ 2 +(y-500)^ 2< 250000吗?
(x−500)^2 + (y−500)^2 < 250000 ?
推荐答案import random import math # radius of the circle circle_r = 10 # center of the circle (x, y) circle_x = 5 circle_y = 7 # random angle alpha = 2 * math.pi * random.random() # random radius r = circle_r * math.sqrt(random.random()) # calculating coordinates x = r * math.cos(alpha) + circle_x y = r * math.sin(alpha) + circle_y print("Random point", (x, y))
在您的示例中,circle_x是500,而circle_y是. circle_r是500.
In your example circle_x is 500 as circle_y is. circle_r is 500.
Another version of calculating radius to get uniformly distributed points, based on this answer
u = random.random() + random.random() r = circle_r * (2 - u if u > 1 else u)