functions - Change size and crop medium_large images
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I use events manager pro plugin to show an eventslist. These event-list is showing their thumbnail image in the new (wor
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I use events manager pro plugin to show an eventslist. These event-list is showing their thumbnail image in the new (wor
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Here is a live demo of the modal (it should open after a few seconds. UPDATE: this link now shows the f
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I am using GitHub Copilot in VSCode.Question: When Copilot says Sure, I'll add xyz to your code,
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I made a web-app using AngularJs where user can upload .txt files to a server using ng-file-upload.Now
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a library project which is using .NET framework 4.7 , the project file looks like<ItemGroup><P
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What is the easiest way to hide "Submit a deal" button on redeal aka rehub theme for everyone but admin?I am
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I have been using this pattern:func myObservable() Observable<boolean> {...}func myFunc() {myObs
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I would like to display this as something like: 4:26 PM.But what I keep getting is: 04:26 PM.If I rem
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temperature is a gauge that returns some unique values {10,23,50...} for labels node_id,system_id with
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I'm new to lexical.js and don't fully understand how I can listen to different keystroke bina
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On Safari for MacOs this simple code part isnt working for me at all.e instanceof TouchEvent - it seem
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I am trying to add bourbon as a dependency to a project where grunt-contrib-sass is used. node-bourbon
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I want to show a content box (say a div) only up to a specified height by default. There will be a link
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This seems like a weird issue. I have published multiple posts on one of my websites. Sometimes, another post on my webs
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If you open this page .cgi?id=114574 and try resizing your browser window you should see lines across t
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For our Nuxt template site we have Tailwind running a custom CSS file. This is mostly editable via our
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I want to do:var MyModel = Backbone.model.extend({someProp: { ... },..});but have new MyModel().somePr
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While installing an existing Wordpress installation in a docker container, I've been unable to access the wp-admin
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I want to get the id of the image the mouse hovers. But I do not understand how to get the ID. Can some
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By grouping all the items within an array into pairs and getting their absolute differences, what is th