
python - Add Rows Function for Smartsheet API Not working - Stack Overflow


I have a sheet where i have 2 columns. I have Customer and Item.

  1. In Customer Column I have a list of customers already

  2. In Item column I want the code to add 5 rows under each customer with item names that i want for example

     * Customer *                      * ITEM *

row 1 Office
row 2 Shop row 3 Logistics row 4 Constructions row 5 Mapping row 6 Cartoon row 7 Office 2
row 8 Shop row 9 Logistics row 10 Constructions row 11 Mapping row 12 Cartoon

However, when ever I am running my code it says Rows added successfully for all customers with the specified items. But for some reason in smartsheet my data doesn't show up?

# Specify the sheet ID
sheet_id = ''

# Define column IDs

# Define the specific items to add under each customer
specific_items = [

# Fetch the existing sheet
sheet = ss_client.Sheets.get_sheet(sheet_id)

# Collect unique customers from the current data
unique_customers = set()
for row in sheet.rows:
    for cell in row.cells:
        if cell.column_id == CUSTOMER_COLUMN_ID and cell.value:

# Prepare new rows to add for each customer
rows_to_add = []

for customer in unique_customers:
    for item in specific_items:
        new_row = ss_client.models.Row()
        new_row.to_bottom = True  # Add to the bottom of the sheet

        # Create cells for each column
            'column_id': CUSTOMER_COLUMN_ID,
            'value': customer
            'column_id': ITEM_COLUMN_ID,
            'value': item


# Add the new rows in chunks
chunk_size = 300
for start in range(0, len(rows_to_add), chunk_size):
    response = ss_client.Sheets.add_rows(sheet_id, rows_to_add[start:start + chunk_size])
    if response.message:
        print(response.message)  # Print the response message

print("Rows added successfully for all customers with the specified items.")


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