
git - How to remove read-only hook in bitbuckets? - Stack Overflow


I have jira connected with bitbucket, I did some changes in both jira and bitbucket and I get the following error when I try to push

 ! [remote rejected] test_pre_hook -> test_pre_hook (pre-receive hook decline

I've done some research on google and I understand that I mess up with smart commit.
I found the following hooks in my bitbucket repository I know from this page .html, I cannot remove them in a "classic" way (like custom hooks).
I cannot open "view requests", it opens a page with We could not load the webhook details. Try to refresh page or go back to the webhooks listing. Go back.
I would like to know:

  • How I introduce this issue (where I should look to remove/reverse these changes)
  • how to configure these hooks, in order to not remove them
  • how to remove with curl since curl -u user:password --verbose --location --request GET '.0'and curl -u user:password --location --verbose --request GET '.0/repositories/workspace/project' return me no output message and zero as exit code, while in verbose mode they show HTTP/2 401


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