
swift ExtensionFoundationExtensionKit in iOS - Stack Overflow


Is it possible to use ExtensionFoundation in iOS ?

Officially there is support but only a server side.

For example:

public protocol TextTransformExtension: AppExtension {
    /// Transform the input string according to your extension's behavior
    /// - Parameter input: The text entered by the user in TextTransformer.
    /// - Returns: The output that should be shown to the user, or `nil` if the transformation failed.
    func transform(_ input: String) async -> String?

/// Configuration for extensions that conform to the ``TextTransformExtension`` protocol.
public struct TextTransformExtensionConfiguration<E: TextTransformExtension>: AppExtensionConfiguration {
    let appExtension: E
    let server: TextTransformerExtensionXPCServer
    /// Creates a default configuration for the given extension.
    /// - Parameter appExtension: An instance of your custom extension that conforms to the ``TextTransformExtension`` protocol.
    public init(_ appExtension: E) {
        self.appExtension = appExtension
        self.server = TextTransformerExtensionXPCServer(with: appExtension)

@objc public protocol TextTransformerXPCProtocol: NSObjectProtocol {
    func transform(input: String, reply: @escaping (String?) -> Void)

@objc final class TextTransformerExtensionXPCServer: NSObject, TextTransformerXPCProtocol {
    let implementation: any TextTransformExtension
    init(with implementation: some TextTransformExtension) {
        self.implementation = implementation
    func transform(input: String, reply: @escaping (String?) -> Void) {
        Task {
            let result = await implementation.transform(input)
            await MainActor.run { reply(result) }

extension TextTransformExtensionConfiguration {
    public func accept(connection: NSXPCConnection) -> Bool {
        connection.exportedInterface = NSXPCInterface(with: TextTransformerXPCProtocol.self)
        connection.exportedObject = server
        return true

but for connection we need to use something like let process: AppExtensionProcess // only available on macOS let connection = try process.makeXPCConnection()

or viewController.makeXPCConnection()

where viewController is EXHostViewController // only available on macOS

Is there any way to do it for iOS ? How to make a connection between iOS app and some app extension ?



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