
rest - Use api to create a new option in a question in nextcloud forms - Stack Overflow


Nextcloud's Form app has an API which allows the automatic creation of Forms/Questions/Options. I'm trying to create a new option for a question using this API: .md#create-a-new-option Using this payload:

optionTexts": ["A new Option."]

Nextcloud always fails with this error:

OCA\Forms\Controller\ApiController::newOption(): Argument #3 ($optionTexts) must be of type array, null given, called in /snap/nextcloud/45124/htdocs/lib/private/AppFramework/Http/Dispatcher.php on line 208 in file '/var/snap/nextcloud/45124/nextcloud/extra-apps/forms/lib/Controller/ApiController.php' line 741

How can I set the correct type array?



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