Some hidden test cases fail to output correctly. I've tested for all edge cases I can think of; what am I missing?
Edge Cases Tested:
- Nonexistent Key Deletion: Assumes input is valid per the problem description.
- Empty Tree Operations: Handled by checks at the root.
- Successor of the Largest Key: Assumes input guarantees the key has a successor.
- Deleting the Root: Properly adjusts the root pointer for all cases.
- Tree with Only One Node: Both delete and minKey behave as expected. methods containing the error in question:
public void delete(int k) {
Node nodeToDelete = getDescendant(root, k);
// Case 1: Node has no children (leaf node)
if (nodeToDelete.left == null && nodeToDelete.right == null) {
if (nodeToDelete == root) {
root = null;
} else if (nodeToDelete.parent.left == nodeToDelete) {
nodeToDelete.parent.left = null;
} else {
nodeToDelete.parent.right = null;
// Case 2: Node has one child
else if (nodeToDelete.left == null || nodeToDelete.right == null) {
Node child = (nodeToDelete.left != null) ? nodeToDelete.left : nodeToDelete.right;
if (nodeToDelete == root) {
root = child;
} else if (nodeToDelete.parent.left == nodeToDelete) {
nodeToDelete.parent.left = child;
} else {
nodeToDelete.parent.right = child;
child.parent = nodeToDelete.parent;
// Case 3: Node has two children
else {
Node successor = minDescendant(nodeToDelete.right);
int successorKey = successor.key;
delete(successorKey); // Remove the successor
nodeToDelete.key = successorKey; // Replace node's key with successor's key
private Node minDescendant(Node n) {
Node current = n;
while (current.left != null) {
current = current.left;
return current;
public int successorKey(int k) {
Node node = getDescendant(root, k);
// Case 1: Node has a right subtree
if (node.right != null) {
return minDescendant(node.right).key;
// Case 2: No right subtree; move up to find the successor
Node ancestor = node.parent;
while (ancestor != null && node == ancestor.right) {
node = ancestor;
ancestor = ancestor.parent;
return ancestor.key;
public int minKey() {
return minDescendant(root).key;
/* Part (b) methods */
public int medianKey() {
List<Integer> sortedKeys = new ArrayList<>();
inOrderTraversal(root, sortedKeys);
// Median key is the middle of the sorted keys
int n = sortedKeys.size();
return sortedKeys.get((n - 1) / 2);
private void inOrderTraversal(Node node, List<Integer> keys) {
if (node == null) return;
inOrderTraversal(node.left, keys);
inOrderTraversal(node.right, keys);
/* Part (c) methods */
public int nodesInLevel(int h) {
return countNodesAtLevel(root, h, 0);
private int countNodesAtLevel(Node node, int targetLevel, int currentLevel) {
if (node == null) return 0;
if (currentLevel == targetLevel) return 1;
int leftCount = countNodesAtLevel(node.left, targetLevel, currentLevel + 1);
int rightCount = countNodesAtLevel(node.right, targetLevel, currentLevel + 1);
return leftCount + rightCount;