Tutor lms plugin gives instructions of adding phome number field to its registration form as in this link /
I have added dropdown list field that appears on the frontend yet I can't display the result of this field on the backend and I don't know what is the alternative code in the profile.php file and user-profile.php metabox file as mentioned for the phone number example on tutor website for the dropdown list field.
Would someone please help me regarding that. I am new to coding. -------‐----------- For coding I entered this code through code snippet to frontend if(isset($_POST['formSubmit'])) { $aUniversities = $_POST['formUniversities'];
echo("<p>You didn't select any Universities!</p>\n");
$nUniversities = count($aUniversities);
echo("<p>You selected $nUniversities Universities: ");
for($i=0; $i < $nUniversities; $i++)
echo($aUniversities[$i] . " ");
//Then I entered this code in the registration.php file of the the plugin
'Select your University:
Ahram Canadian University Misr International University Other '
I tried similarcode on profile.php and user-profile-fields.php (of the metabox) but they don't seem to work
What is wrong or missing? Kindly advise.