
typescript - why do I get undefined when after I logged in using auth js? AuthJS(V5) - Stack Overflow


I've been following the docs but I still end up getting undefined on my first render, why do i get. The RootProvider is just a react-query. I'm trying to create a dynamic sidebar wherein if the the role === admin, it will render different sidebar component.

what I did is I created a hook that I will just call to whenever I need the user.


import { useSession } from "next-auth/react";

export const useCurrentUser = () => {
    const session = useSession()

    return session.data?.user


export default async function RootLayout({
}: Readonly<{
  children: React.ReactNode;
}>) {
  const session = await auth();

  return (
    <SessionProvider session={session}>
      <html lang="en">
          className={`${geistSans.variable} ${geistMono.variable} antialiased`}
            <Toaster />

This is my sidebar coming from shadcn tutorial

export function AppSidebar() {

  const session = useCurrentUser()

  return (
              {items.map((item) => (
                <SidebarMenuItem key={item.title}>
                  <SidebarMenuButton asChild>
                    <Link href={item.url}>
                      <item.icon />


        <SignOutButton />

Now the main problem is after I successfully log in, and when I consoe.log() is get undefined, and i need to refresh my browser before it shows the role.



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