I am showing Alert message to update my app to latest version so in alert Update
button i am opening my Appstore app link in safari page. here when i click update button Appstore link opens in safari and without updating my app i just go back to home then alert has to show but it is not showing why? how to show alert when i back to home from safari? please guide.
Note: only if i back from safari alert not showing but if i navigate to other screen to home again then alert showing but not from safari back
struct HomeNew: View {
@StateObject private var loginViewModel = LoginViewModel()
@State private var showAlert = false
var body: some View {
ZStack(alignment: .bottomLeading){
HStack(alignment: .center) {
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 4) {
.onTapGesture {
.onAppear {
.alert("Application Update", isPresented: $showAlert) {
Button("Update") {
if let url = URL(string: ";),
UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) {
UIApplication.shared.open(url, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)
} message: {
Text("New update is available, Please take update!")
private func appForceUpdate() {
loginViewModel.appVersionUpdate { status in
if status {
let criticalVersion = "2.6.9"
let installedVersion = Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["CFBundleShortVersionString"] as? String ?? "1.1"
print("installedVersion is: \(installedVersion)\ncriticalVersion is: \(criticalVersion)")
let requiresUpdate = installedVersionpare(criticalVersion, options: .numeric) == .orderedAscending
UserDefaults.standard.set(requiresUpdate, forKey: "RequiresUpdate")
showAlert = UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "RequiresUpdate")
installedVersion is: 2.6.7 criticalVersion is: 2.6.9
I am showing Alert message to update my app to latest version so in alert Update
button i am opening my Appstore app link in safari page. here when i click update button Appstore link opens in safari and without updating my app i just go back to home then alert has to show but it is not showing why? how to show alert when i back to home from safari? please guide.
Note: only if i back from safari alert not showing but if i navigate to other screen to home again then alert showing but not from safari back
struct HomeNew: View {
@StateObject private var loginViewModel = LoginViewModel()
@State private var showAlert = false
var body: some View {
ZStack(alignment: .bottomLeading){
HStack(alignment: .center) {
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 4) {
.onTapGesture {
.onAppear {
.alert("Application Update", isPresented: $showAlert) {
Button("Update") {
if let url = URL(string: "https://apps.apple/in/app/k12-studio/id6451487315"),
UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) {
UIApplication.shared.open(url, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)
} message: {
Text("New update is available, Please take update!")
private func appForceUpdate() {
loginViewModel.appVersionUpdate { status in
if status {
let criticalVersion = "2.6.9"
let installedVersion = Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["CFBundleShortVersionString"] as? String ?? "1.1"
print("installedVersion is: \(installedVersion)\ncriticalVersion is: \(criticalVersion)")
let requiresUpdate = installedVersionpare(criticalVersion, options: .numeric) == .orderedAscending
UserDefaults.standard.set(requiresUpdate, forKey: "RequiresUpdate")
showAlert = UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "RequiresUpdate")
Share Improve this question edited Nov 20, 2024 at 6:07 Swift asked Nov 20, 2024 at 6:02 SwiftSwift 1,1821 gold badge15 silver badges55 bronze badgesinstalledVersion is: 2.6.7 criticalVersion is: 2.6.9
1 Answer
Reset to default 1When you back from Safari
, onAppear
is not called so there is your update alert is not showing ( because HomeView
isn’t really “disappearing” when you open Safari
, case for HomeView
disappearing is like when you navigate to a new screen, therefore no dissappearing so no reappearing).
You should observe to ScenePhase to know when your app becomes active again and show update alert.
struct HomeNew: View {
@Environment(\.scenePhase) var scenePhase
var body: some View {
.onAppear {
.onChange(of: scenePhase) { newPhase in
if newPhase == .active {