I'm work on generation PDF from TCPDF in my current wp project, i have value:
$v4 = unserialize(get_post_meta(get_post_meta($dog_id, 'nd_prod', true), 'np_str_ot_summ', true))[0];
in my TCPD i use this as output data:
<td style="text-align:center; font-size:9px; line-height=8px">
'.str_replace("." , "," , $v4).'
and in principle all good, but i need add condition: if not data, add text: No records, how i can do this?
try add:
$v41 = str_replace("." , "," , $v4);
$v41 = 'No records';
outputted only No records - but records - present