
Launch trim version of Eclipse - Stack Overflow


I want to host Eclipse Help on a server. I found a discussion on the Eclipse forum about creating help on a server. (I am very grateful to the person on the forum who described everything in detail) This method required trimming Eclipse, which I successfully did. Link to the discussion: .php/t/204877/

But when I finished following these instructions, I encountered this error when starting:

    java.lang.Exception: File \eclipse.exe does not exists.  Pass a correct -eclipsehome option
            at .eclipse.help.internal.standalone.Eclipse.ensureEclipseExeExists(Eclipse.java:170)
            at .eclipse.help.internal.standalone.Eclipse.prepareCommand(Eclipse.java:46)
            at .eclipse.help.internal.standalone.Eclipse.run(Eclipse.java:88)

To start, I used the command:

java -classpath \eclipse\plugins\.eclipse.help.base-4.2.100.jar .eclipse.help.standalone.Infocenter -command start -eclipse \eclipse -plugincustomization \eclipse\plugins\com.aviatron.help.mega\plugin_customization.ini -port 8082

I added -noexec to the end of my command and the error became:

java.lang.Exception: Plugins directory \plugins does not exists.  Pass a correct -eclipsehome option
        at .eclipse.help.internal.standalone.Eclipse.getStartupJar(Eclipse.java:176)
        at .eclipse.help.internal.standalone.Eclipse.prepareJavaCommand(Eclipse.java:76)
        at .eclipse.help.internal.standalone.Eclipse.prepareCommand(Eclipse.java:48)
        at .eclipse.help.internal.standalone.Eclipse.run(Eclipse.java:88)

For some reason the error says that the folder in which I run this command does not contain the plugins folder. In fact, it is not there, but in my command I specify eclipse\plugins. Why does the search for the plugins subdirectory occur when running, and not eclipse\plugins? Please tell me what actions I should take?



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