I have two taxonomies for my property
post type:
which has terms for different home styles like "Country" and "Modern", and
which has terms for amenities such as "Swimming Pool" and "Garage".
On the main page I list all of the property-style
terms with the post count:
- Classic [1 Post]
- Country [0 Posts]
- Modern [4 Posts]
- Rustic [3 Posts]
I get these terms by using:
$terms = get_terms( array(
'taxonomy' => 'property-style',
'hide_empty' => false,
'orderby' => 'name',
'order' => 'asc',
) );
On the main page is also a dropdown containing all the property-tag
terms, so they can filter the property-style
terms, showing only terms that include posts with the selected property-tag
So let's say the property-tag
dropdown has Swimming Pool
selected, and there's only 1 property with a Swimming Pool and it has the property-style
of "Modern". So now the main page should show:
- Classic [0 Posts]
- Country [0 Posts]
- Modern [1 Post]
- Rustic [0 Posts]
How can I get all the property-style
terms, but filtered by property-tag = Swimming Pool