I'm busy with a Wordpress theme and in some templates I use images (like home.php
). I do the calculations for the srcset
and sizes
for every template/image individually and store the urls and values in variables.
It is impossible to have a 'one size fits all' approach for rendering srcset
and sizes
, so trying to override the sizes
and srcset
like this is impossible. For example, it is possible that the first featured image in home.php has a different sizes than the second featured image.
My code is as follows:
<div class="amb-home-post-preview thumbnail_container override">
<img alt="<?php esc_attr( the_title() ); ?>" class="amb-home-post-preview thumbnail override"
src="<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_1000[0] ); ?>"
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_400[0] ); ?> 400w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_600[0] ); ?> 600w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_800[0] ); ?> 800w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_1000[0] ); ?> 1000w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_1400[0] ); ?> 1400w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_1800[0] ); ?> 1800w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_2200[0] ); ?> 2200w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_2600[0] ); ?> 2600w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_3000[0] ); ?> 3000w
sizes="<?php foreach ($amb_sizes as $amb_key => $amb_val) { echo esc_html( $amb_val ); } ?>">
The image urls are retrieved above (I skipped that part), but it's fairly easy to understand.
The $amb_key
variable is the media query and the $amb_val
variable is the width (e.g. calc(50vw - 36px
What happens, is that Wordpress skips the complete <img>
tag and replaces that with it's own tag. Classes and all other attributes are lost.
This happens multiple times in different template files. How do I stop Wordpress from completely overriding my <img>
tags (in template files)?
Many thanks!
One of the places where this happens is the search.php template.
<?php get_header() ?>
<div class="amb-search override">
<div class="amb-search-intro override">
<div class="amb-search-editor-wrapper amb-container-parent override">
<div class="amb-search-editor amb-container-child override">
<p class="amb-search-prefix"><?php echo esc_html( get_theme_mod( 'amb_search_results_prefix', 'Search for articles, pages...') ); ?> </p>
<div class="amb-search-form-container amb-container-child override">
<form role="search" method="get" class="amb-search-form search_results override" action="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>">
<input type="search" class="amb-search-field search_results override" id="amb-search-field-input-search_results"
placeholder="<?php echo esc_attr( get_theme_mod( 'amb_text_searchfield', 'Start typing...' ) ); ?>"
value="<?php echo esc_attr( get_query_var('s') ); ?>" name="s"
title="<?php echo esc_attr( get_theme_mod( 'amb_title_searchfield', 'Search for pages, articles and documents.' ) ); ?>"
autocomplete="off" />
<input type="submit" class="amb-search-submit header_search override"
value="" />
<div class="amb-search-results override">
<div class="amb-search-results-wrapper amb-container-parent override">
<div class="amb-search-results-wrapper amb-container-child small_child_margin override">
<!-- Looping through the search results -->
//Define the variables
$amb_home_readmore_excerpt_length = get_theme_mod( 'amb_home_readmore_excerpt_length', 20 );
$amb_s = get_search_query(); //Get the query
$amb_s_args = array( 's' => $amb_s ); //...and put it into an array with argumens
$amb_search_query = new WP_Query( $amb_s_args ); //Run a new instance of WP_QUery
//Displaying the files
if ( $amb_search_query->have_posts() ) {
while ( $amb_search_query->have_posts() ) {
$amb_search_query->the_post(); ?>
<div class="amb-home-post-single post_preview_search override">
<div class="amb-home-post-contents post_preview_search override">
<!-- Thumbnail image -->
<?php if ( the_post_thumbnail() ) : ?> <!-- Check if it exists -->
$amb_post_preview_image_400 = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'amb_post_preview_400');
$amb_post_preview_image_600 = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'amb_post_preview_600');
$amb_post_preview_image_800 = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'amb_post_preview_800');
$amb_post_preview_image_1000 = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'amb_post_preview_1000'); //Default src
$amb_post_preview_image_1400 = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'amb_post_preview_1400');
$amb_post_preview_image_1800 = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'amb_post_preview_1800');
$amb_post_preview_image_2200 = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'amb_post_preview_2200');
$amb_post_preview_image_2600 = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'amb_post_preview_2600');
$amb_post_preview_image_3000 = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'amb_post_preview_3000');
//Max-width if site
$amb_site_maxwidth_cust = get_theme_mod( 'amb_sitewide_layout_maxwidth', 1320 );
$amb_site_maxwidth_cont = $amb_site_maxwidth_cust + 2 * 12;
//width of sidebar
$amb_sidebar_width = 0; //search so there is no width
//Posts per row
if ( 'one' == get_theme_mod( 'amb_home_readmore_posts_columns', 'two' ) ) {
$amb_posts_per_row = 1;
} elseif ( 'two' == get_theme_mod( 'amb_home_readmore_posts_columns', 'two' ) ) {
$amb_posts_per_row = 2;
} elseif ( 'three' == get_theme_mod( 'amb_home_readmore_posts_columns', 'two' ) ) {
$amb_posts_per_row = 3;
} else {
$amb_posts_per_row = 4;
//Site max-width media query
$amb_site_maxwidth_browser = $amb_site_maxwidth_cont + 2 * 24;
$amb_min_maxwidth_a = ($amb_site_maxwidth_cont * (1 - $amb_sidebar_width)) / $amb_posts_per_row - 2 * 12;
$amb_min_maxwidth_value = '(min-width: ' . $amb_site_maxwidth_browser . 'px) ' . $amb_min_maxwidth_a . 'px, ';
$amb_min_maxwidth_key = 'amb_min_' . $amb_site_maxwidth_browser;
$amb_min_maxwidth_array = [
$amb_min_maxwidth_key => $amb_min_maxwidth_value
// 1200+
if ($amb_posts_per_row == 4) {
$amb_min_1200_r = (100 * (1 - $amb_sidebar_width)) / $amb_posts_per_row;
$amb_min_1200_a = (-48 * (1 - $amb_sidebar_width)) / $amb_posts_per_row - 24;
$amb_min_ppr_4_sizes = '(min-width: 1200px) calc('.$amb_min_1200_r.'vw + '.$amb_min_1200_a.'px), '; //Generate the media query.
$amb_min_1200_4 = [
'amb_min_1200' => $amb_min_ppr_4_sizes
$amb_posts_per_row = 2; //Set to '2' for the following media queries
} else { $amb_min_1200_4 = ''; }
// 1000+
$amb_min_1000_r = (100 * (1 - $amb_sidebar_width)) / $amb_posts_per_row;
$amb_min_1000_a = (-48 * (1 - $amb_sidebar_width)) / $amb_posts_per_row - 24;
$amb_min_1000 = '(min-width: 1000px) calc('.$amb_min_1000_r.'vw + '. $amb_min_1000_a .'px), '; //Including comma and space
// 700+
$amb_min_700_r = 100 / $amb_posts_per_row;
$amb_min_700_a = -48 / $amb_posts_per_row - 24;
$amb_min_700 = '(min-width: 700px) calc('.$amb_min_700_r.'vw + '. $amb_min_700_a .'px), ';
// all
$amb_min_all_r = 100;
$amb_min_all_a = -24 - 24; //Margin of 2 * 12 on both sides plus margin of 2 * 12 on both sides of individual post
$amb_min_all = 'calc('.$amb_min_all_r.'vw + '.$amb_min_all_a.'px)';
$amb_min_array_constant = [ //append 'all' later on
'amb_min_1000' => $amb_min_1000,
'amb_min_700' => $amb_min_700,
//Merge default + 1200+ + max-width array
$amb_sizes_merged = array_merge( array_merge( (array)$amb_min_array_constant, (array)$amb_min_1200_4), /* combine default & 1200+ */ $amb_min_maxwidth_array/* Combine the max-width */);
//Sort the array 'naturally' (how humans would sort it = count) and reverse the order (biggest first, smallest last) and append the 'all' value to the end
$amb_sizes_merged_reverse = array_reverse($amb_sizes_merged, true);
$amb_sizes_merged_reverse['amb_min_all'] = $amb_min_all;
//Find the position of the key for the max-width and remove all values above (so 'slicing' the array)
$amb_min_maxwidth_key_offset = array_search($amb_min_maxwidth_key, array_keys($amb_sizes_merged_reverse), true);
if ($amb_min_maxwidth_key_offset !== false) { $amb_sizes = array_slice($amb_sizes_merged_reverse, $amb_min_maxwidth_key_offset, 1000, true); }
<div class="amb-home-post-preview post_preview_search thumbnail_container override">
<img alt="<?php the_title(); ?>" class="amb-home-post-preview post_preview_search thumbnail override"
src="<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_1000[0] ); ?>"
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_400[0] ); ?> 400w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_600[0] ); ?> 600w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_800[0] ); ?> 800w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_1000[0] ); ?> 1000w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_1400[0] ); ?> 1400w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_1800[0] ); ?> 1800w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_2200[0] ); ?> 2200w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_2600[0] ); ?> 2600w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_3000[0] ); ?> 3000w
sizes="<?php foreach ($amb_sizes as $amb_key => $amb_val) { echo esc_attr( $amb_val ); } ?>">
</div> <?php endif; ?>
<!-- Title -->
<h2 class="amb-home-post-preview post_preview_search title override"><a href="<?php esc_url( the_permalink() ); ?>" style="color: <?php echo esc_attr( $amb_home_readmore_section['category_post_text_color'] ); ?>"><?php esc_html( the_title() ); ?></a></h2>
<!-- Excerpt -->
<div class="amb-home-post-preview post_preview_search excerpt content override" style="color: <?php echo esc_attr( $amb_home_readmore_section['category_post_text_color'] ); ?>"><?php echo esc_html( wp_trim_words( get_the_content(), $amb_home_readmore_excerpt_length, '...' ) ); ?></div>
<?php }
} else { ?>
<div class="amb-search-noresults override">
<p class="amb-search-noresults-text"><?php echo esc_html( get_theme_mod( 'amb_search_results_noresults_text', 'Sorry, but nothing matched your search criteria. Please try again with some different keywords.') ); ?></p>
<?php } ?>
<?php get_footer() ?>
I'm busy with a Wordpress theme and in some templates I use images (like home.php
). I do the calculations for the srcset
and sizes
for every template/image individually and store the urls and values in variables.
It is impossible to have a 'one size fits all' approach for rendering srcset
and sizes
, so trying to override the sizes
and srcset
like this is impossible. For example, it is possible that the first featured image in home.php has a different sizes than the second featured image.
My code is as follows:
<div class="amb-home-post-preview thumbnail_container override">
<img alt="<?php esc_attr( the_title() ); ?>" class="amb-home-post-preview thumbnail override"
src="<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_1000[0] ); ?>"
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_400[0] ); ?> 400w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_600[0] ); ?> 600w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_800[0] ); ?> 800w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_1000[0] ); ?> 1000w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_1400[0] ); ?> 1400w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_1800[0] ); ?> 1800w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_2200[0] ); ?> 2200w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_2600[0] ); ?> 2600w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_3000[0] ); ?> 3000w
sizes="<?php foreach ($amb_sizes as $amb_key => $amb_val) { echo esc_html( $amb_val ); } ?>">
The image urls are retrieved above (I skipped that part), but it's fairly easy to understand.
The $amb_key
variable is the media query and the $amb_val
variable is the width (e.g. calc(50vw - 36px
What happens, is that Wordpress skips the complete <img>
tag and replaces that with it's own tag. Classes and all other attributes are lost.
This happens multiple times in different template files. How do I stop Wordpress from completely overriding my <img>
tags (in template files)?
Many thanks!
One of the places where this happens is the search.php template.
<?php get_header() ?>
<div class="amb-search override">
<div class="amb-search-intro override">
<div class="amb-search-editor-wrapper amb-container-parent override">
<div class="amb-search-editor amb-container-child override">
<p class="amb-search-prefix"><?php echo esc_html( get_theme_mod( 'amb_search_results_prefix', 'Search for articles, pages...') ); ?> </p>
<div class="amb-search-form-container amb-container-child override">
<form role="search" method="get" class="amb-search-form search_results override" action="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>">
<input type="search" class="amb-search-field search_results override" id="amb-search-field-input-search_results"
placeholder="<?php echo esc_attr( get_theme_mod( 'amb_text_searchfield', 'Start typing...' ) ); ?>"
value="<?php echo esc_attr( get_query_var('s') ); ?>" name="s"
title="<?php echo esc_attr( get_theme_mod( 'amb_title_searchfield', 'Search for pages, articles and documents.' ) ); ?>"
autocomplete="off" />
<input type="submit" class="amb-search-submit header_search override"
value="" />
<div class="amb-search-results override">
<div class="amb-search-results-wrapper amb-container-parent override">
<div class="amb-search-results-wrapper amb-container-child small_child_margin override">
<!-- Looping through the search results -->
//Define the variables
$amb_home_readmore_excerpt_length = get_theme_mod( 'amb_home_readmore_excerpt_length', 20 );
$amb_s = get_search_query(); //Get the query
$amb_s_args = array( 's' => $amb_s ); //...and put it into an array with argumens
$amb_search_query = new WP_Query( $amb_s_args ); //Run a new instance of WP_QUery
//Displaying the files
if ( $amb_search_query->have_posts() ) {
while ( $amb_search_query->have_posts() ) {
$amb_search_query->the_post(); ?>
<div class="amb-home-post-single post_preview_search override">
<div class="amb-home-post-contents post_preview_search override">
<!-- Thumbnail image -->
<?php if ( the_post_thumbnail() ) : ?> <!-- Check if it exists -->
$amb_post_preview_image_400 = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'amb_post_preview_400');
$amb_post_preview_image_600 = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'amb_post_preview_600');
$amb_post_preview_image_800 = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'amb_post_preview_800');
$amb_post_preview_image_1000 = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'amb_post_preview_1000'); //Default src
$amb_post_preview_image_1400 = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'amb_post_preview_1400');
$amb_post_preview_image_1800 = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'amb_post_preview_1800');
$amb_post_preview_image_2200 = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'amb_post_preview_2200');
$amb_post_preview_image_2600 = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'amb_post_preview_2600');
$amb_post_preview_image_3000 = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'amb_post_preview_3000');
//Max-width if site
$amb_site_maxwidth_cust = get_theme_mod( 'amb_sitewide_layout_maxwidth', 1320 );
$amb_site_maxwidth_cont = $amb_site_maxwidth_cust + 2 * 12;
//width of sidebar
$amb_sidebar_width = 0; //search so there is no width
//Posts per row
if ( 'one' == get_theme_mod( 'amb_home_readmore_posts_columns', 'two' ) ) {
$amb_posts_per_row = 1;
} elseif ( 'two' == get_theme_mod( 'amb_home_readmore_posts_columns', 'two' ) ) {
$amb_posts_per_row = 2;
} elseif ( 'three' == get_theme_mod( 'amb_home_readmore_posts_columns', 'two' ) ) {
$amb_posts_per_row = 3;
} else {
$amb_posts_per_row = 4;
//Site max-width media query
$amb_site_maxwidth_browser = $amb_site_maxwidth_cont + 2 * 24;
$amb_min_maxwidth_a = ($amb_site_maxwidth_cont * (1 - $amb_sidebar_width)) / $amb_posts_per_row - 2 * 12;
$amb_min_maxwidth_value = '(min-width: ' . $amb_site_maxwidth_browser . 'px) ' . $amb_min_maxwidth_a . 'px, ';
$amb_min_maxwidth_key = 'amb_min_' . $amb_site_maxwidth_browser;
$amb_min_maxwidth_array = [
$amb_min_maxwidth_key => $amb_min_maxwidth_value
// 1200+
if ($amb_posts_per_row == 4) {
$amb_min_1200_r = (100 * (1 - $amb_sidebar_width)) / $amb_posts_per_row;
$amb_min_1200_a = (-48 * (1 - $amb_sidebar_width)) / $amb_posts_per_row - 24;
$amb_min_ppr_4_sizes = '(min-width: 1200px) calc('.$amb_min_1200_r.'vw + '.$amb_min_1200_a.'px), '; //Generate the media query.
$amb_min_1200_4 = [
'amb_min_1200' => $amb_min_ppr_4_sizes
$amb_posts_per_row = 2; //Set to '2' for the following media queries
} else { $amb_min_1200_4 = ''; }
// 1000+
$amb_min_1000_r = (100 * (1 - $amb_sidebar_width)) / $amb_posts_per_row;
$amb_min_1000_a = (-48 * (1 - $amb_sidebar_width)) / $amb_posts_per_row - 24;
$amb_min_1000 = '(min-width: 1000px) calc('.$amb_min_1000_r.'vw + '. $amb_min_1000_a .'px), '; //Including comma and space
// 700+
$amb_min_700_r = 100 / $amb_posts_per_row;
$amb_min_700_a = -48 / $amb_posts_per_row - 24;
$amb_min_700 = '(min-width: 700px) calc('.$amb_min_700_r.'vw + '. $amb_min_700_a .'px), ';
// all
$amb_min_all_r = 100;
$amb_min_all_a = -24 - 24; //Margin of 2 * 12 on both sides plus margin of 2 * 12 on both sides of individual post
$amb_min_all = 'calc('.$amb_min_all_r.'vw + '.$amb_min_all_a.'px)';
$amb_min_array_constant = [ //append 'all' later on
'amb_min_1000' => $amb_min_1000,
'amb_min_700' => $amb_min_700,
//Merge default + 1200+ + max-width array
$amb_sizes_merged = array_merge( array_merge( (array)$amb_min_array_constant, (array)$amb_min_1200_4), /* combine default & 1200+ */ $amb_min_maxwidth_array/* Combine the max-width */);
//Sort the array 'naturally' (how humans would sort it = count) and reverse the order (biggest first, smallest last) and append the 'all' value to the end
$amb_sizes_merged_reverse = array_reverse($amb_sizes_merged, true);
$amb_sizes_merged_reverse['amb_min_all'] = $amb_min_all;
//Find the position of the key for the max-width and remove all values above (so 'slicing' the array)
$amb_min_maxwidth_key_offset = array_search($amb_min_maxwidth_key, array_keys($amb_sizes_merged_reverse), true);
if ($amb_min_maxwidth_key_offset !== false) { $amb_sizes = array_slice($amb_sizes_merged_reverse, $amb_min_maxwidth_key_offset, 1000, true); }
<div class="amb-home-post-preview post_preview_search thumbnail_container override">
<img alt="<?php the_title(); ?>" class="amb-home-post-preview post_preview_search thumbnail override"
src="<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_1000[0] ); ?>"
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_400[0] ); ?> 400w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_600[0] ); ?> 600w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_800[0] ); ?> 800w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_1000[0] ); ?> 1000w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_1400[0] ); ?> 1400w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_1800[0] ); ?> 1800w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_2200[0] ); ?> 2200w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_2600[0] ); ?> 2600w,
<?php echo esc_url( $amb_post_preview_image_3000[0] ); ?> 3000w
sizes="<?php foreach ($amb_sizes as $amb_key => $amb_val) { echo esc_attr( $amb_val ); } ?>">
</div> <?php endif; ?>
<!-- Title -->
<h2 class="amb-home-post-preview post_preview_search title override"><a href="<?php esc_url( the_permalink() ); ?>" style="color: <?php echo esc_attr( $amb_home_readmore_section['category_post_text_color'] ); ?>"><?php esc_html( the_title() ); ?></a></h2>
<!-- Excerpt -->
<div class="amb-home-post-preview post_preview_search excerpt content override" style="color: <?php echo esc_attr( $amb_home_readmore_section['category_post_text_color'] ); ?>"><?php echo esc_html( wp_trim_words( get_the_content(), $amb_home_readmore_excerpt_length, '...' ) ); ?></div>
<?php }
} else { ?>
<div class="amb-search-noresults override">
<p class="amb-search-noresults-text"><?php echo esc_html( get_theme_mod( 'amb_search_results_noresults_text', 'Sorry, but nothing matched your search criteria. Please try again with some different keywords.') ); ?></p>
<?php } ?>
<?php get_footer() ?>
Improve this question
edited Jul 10, 2020 at 15:01
asked Jul 9, 2020 at 18:23
4026 silver badges23 bronze badges
Show 3 more comments
1 Answer
Reset to default 1So after checking your search.php
template, actually the issue is not with WordPress. Instead:
That the_post_thumbnail()
(as in if ( the_post_thumbnail() )
) echoes the post thumbnail and returns nothing which then bypasses your conditional (doesn't echo your img
tag), so you should instead use has_post_thumbnail()
if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
// echo your img
tag? Did you check the page source (Ctrl + U on Chrome desktop)? Maybe some JavaScript code replaced the tag on the page? – Sally CJ Commented Jul 10, 2020 at 14:46<img src="x/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/img-800x500.jpg" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" srcset="x/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/img-800x500.jpg 800w, x/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/img-400x250.jpg 400w, x/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/img-600x375.jpg 600w, x/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/img-1000x625.jpg 1000w, x/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/img-1400x875.jpg 1400w, x/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/img-1800x1125.jpg 1800w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" width="800" height="500">
– ralphjsmit Commented Jul 10, 2020 at 14:53