inso run collection -w ~/simple.yaml -e env_2eecf85b7f wrk_0702a5
The Inso Command has to reload the Environment File for every request but instead the environment file is read only once and any write to the environment file is discarded.
$ inso run collection -w ~/simple.yaml -e envFile wrk_name
When Above command is Executed , it reads all variables from this Environment File envFile , While Request are processed the values are updated in the same Environment File Ex: Insomnia.environment.set("track",track) , both read and write operation are performed on the environment file, the environment.set values are not picked up in the next requests.
Expected Behavior
Request 2 ( GET /a1/Init/track) -> The track should have value
Actual Behavior
Request 2 ( GET /a1/Init/track) -> The track value is empty
Reproduction Steps
I am using Insomnia Inso CLI to execute the collection
$ inso run collection -w ~/simple.yaml -e envFile wrk_0702a5
There are two requests in My collection.
- Request 1 ( POST /A1/Init )
"track": "ABCXYZ"
- Request 2 ( GET /A1/Init/track)
I am using the JSON response output value (track) from Request 1 in the of Request 2 , from CLI not working but works fine via UI.
In Request 1, I have used insomnia.environment.set("track",track)
in After response and When use this variable In Request 2, the value is not shown
Is there an existing issue for this?
- [x] I have searched the issue tracker for this problem.
Which sync method do you use?
- [ ] Git sync.
- [ ] Insomnia Cloud sync.
- [x] Local only
Additional Information
No response
Insomnia Version
What operating system are you using?
Operating System Version
Windows 10
Installation method
Downloaded from Insomnia
Last Known Working Insomnia version