
vue.js - Ag-grid excel export: Multiple hyperlinks in one cell - Stack Overflow


I am using vue with ag-grid table, the excel-export feature is not working for the usecase of having multiple links in one cell.

Here is the solution I have now:

const gridOptions = computed(
    (): GridOptions<IOpenQuestion> => ({
        defaultExcelExportParams: {
            autoConvertFormulas: true,
            processCellCallback: params => {
                const { column, value, node } = params;
                const { field, valueFormatter } = column.getColDef();

                if (field === 'documents' && Array.isArray(value) && value.length > 0) {
                    return `=CONCATENATE(${value.map(v => `HYPERLINK("${v?.link}", "${v?.filename}")`).join(', "\n", ')})`;
                return valueFormatter ? valueFormatter({ ...params, data: node.data }) : value;

It currently works if I open the exported file with the Numbers app on mac but with excel it doesn't (only the labels are showing). Is there a way to fix this to have multi-line links within a cell?



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