I need to add only one line of code to this plugin. I have been reading several practices but unfortunately I did not get them to work. Can that line be added without modifying the plugin files? Thank you very much!
// Porto Widget Woo Top Rated Products
add_shortcode( 'porto_widget_woo_top_rated_products', 'porto_shortcode_widget_woo_top_rated_products' );
add_action( 'vc_after_init', 'porto_load_widget_woo_top_rated_products_shortcode' );
function porto_shortcode_widget_woo_top_rated_products( $atts, $content = null ) {
// $atts['title'] = 'Productos mejor valorados'; ----// line to add
if ( $template = porto_shortcode_woo_template( 'porto_widget_woo_top_rated_products' ) ) {
include $template;
return ob_get_clean();