
How to Add Tooltip Details in SingleValue Chart in Sumo Logic Dashboard? - Stack Overflow


I’ve created a Sumo Logic dashboard with a SingleValue chart to display some key metrics. It works fine for displaying aggregated data (e.g., percentage values). However, I want to add more details in the form of a tooltip to provide context, such as supporting metadata fields like support_page_action_count, granular_action_count, and tool_name.

Here’s my query:

deployment=xyz container=abc zone=123 <SearchString>
| json "log" as _raw nodrop
| json auto
| where tool_name = "ABC"
| fields percentage_granularized, tool_name, granular_action_count, support_page_action_count
| format(
    "Support Actions: {0}, Granular Actions: {1}, Tool Name: {2}",
    support_page_action_count, granular_action_count, tool_name
) as hover_text
| pct(percentage_granularized)  // Working fine with SingleValue chart
// | fields avg(percentage_granularized), hover_text  // Throws error

When I include the hover_text field in the query to enable tooltips, the chart throws an error:

Field hover_text not found, please check the spelling and try again.


  1. How can I enable tooltips in a SingleValue chart to display metadata like support_page_action_count, granular_action_count, and tool_name?
  2. Is it possible to include a hover_text field alongside an aggregate value for a SingleValue chart?
  3. Are there any workarounds to achieve this?

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!



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