
npm - Removing SCSS included file warnings - Stack Overflow


I am building a Svelte project which relies on GDS components and styling from GOV UK frontend, and I get a lot of error messages similar to the one in the Warning message section below.

Is there a way I can build my application without getting these messages on startup, especially if this is having any effect on application start? I presume it's related to the use of <style lang="scss"> sections.

Vite config

I have the following in the project vite.config.ts file which is apparently meant to kill these warning but doesn't

    build: {
        sourcemap: true,
        rollupOptions: {
            onwarn: (warning, handler) => {
                //TODO: this is meant to suppress warnings from svelte compiler
                // specifically put this in for '10 external dependencies' warning but doesn't seem to work
                // Need to investigate further
                // e.g. don't warn on a11y-autofocus
                if (warning.code === 'a11y-click-events-have-key-events') return;
                if (warning.code === 'vite-plugin-svelte-preprocess-many-dependencies') return;

                // let vite handle all other warnings normally

Warning message

10:30:32 AM [vite-plugin-svelte] /project/src/lib/components/Header.svelte svelte.preprocess depends on more than 10 external files which can cause slow builds and poor DX,
 try to reduce them. Found: /project/src/routes/_gov-base-custom.scss,



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