I made a maze game for my project. Every time ,I am changing my player's position , i need to print the whole maze with the changed player position , for avoiding the terminal messages, i'm clearing the terminal with 'system cls'. for this reason there is blinking in my game. Now if anyone could help me solving this problem. I only know basic C programming so it would be difficult for me to switch into c++ to add visual graphics to my game, cause i don,t have enough for me.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <time.h> // Added for time functions
#define WIDTH 60
#define HEIGHT 16
#define SAVE_FILE "savegame.txt" // Save file for game state
// Maze characters
#define WALL '#'
#define PLAYER 'P'
#define GOAL 'G'
#define EMPTY ' '
#define TRAP '*' // Define trap character as '*'
// Player position
int playerX = 1;
int playerY = 1;
// Current level
int currentLevel = 1; // Start at level 1
// Maze layouts for levels
char maze1[HEIGHT][WIDTH] = {
"#P # # # #",
"# ## # ######### ### ####### ########### ##### ####### ###",
"## # # # # # #",
"## # #### # ########### ######### ##### ####### ##########",
"# # # # * # # #",
"# ####### # # ####### ########## ######## ######### ######",
"# # # # # # #",
"##### ####### ### ####### ########## ### ######### ####### #",
"# # * # * #",
"# ####### ######## ######### ######### ####### ####### #####",
"# # * # * #",
"# ########### ########## ####### #############*######## ####",
"# # # # G",
"# ####### ##### ####### ########### ########### ######## ####",
char maze2[HEIGHT][WIDTH] = {
"#P # # # #",
"# ### # ### ###### ##### # # ### ### ##### # ######## *###",
"# # # # # # # # # # # #",
"### # # # ###### # ##### # # #### ##### # ###### # # ## # #",
"# # # # # # # # # # # #",
"### ########### ####### #### ## # ### # ##### ### ## # # #",
"# # # * # # # # # #",
"# ###### # #######*####*######### # ##### #########*# #",
"# # # #",
"# ### ## ######## #######*## ########### # #### ####*## # #",
"# # * # # * # #",
"# #*####### ######### ###### ##### ####### #*#### #### #####",
"# # * * * * #",
"### ##### # ## # #######*################ ######## G",
char maze3[HEIGHT][WIDTH] = {
"#P # # #",
"# ##### ### # ####### ####### ### ##### ##### ##########*###",
"# # # # # # # #",
"##### ### ##### ### ##### ####### ##### ##### ####### ######",
"# # # * # # #",
"# ######## ########### ####### ############### # #### # ####",
"# # # # # #",
"# ####### # ########### ####### ######## # ###### #### #####",
"# # * # # * #",
"######### ####### ###### ####################### ###### ####",
"# * # # * # #",
"# ###### ######## ######## #### ## ############ ######## ###",
"# * # * * * G",
"# ##### ############# #### ############### ####### ####",
// Active maze pointer
char (*currentMaze)[WIDTH];
// Set the current maze layout
void loadMaze(int level) {
switch (level) {
case 1:
currentMaze = maze1;
case 2:
currentMaze = maze2;
case 3:
currentMaze = maze3;
printf("You've completed all levels! Congratulations!\n");
currentLevel = 1; // Reset to level 1
// Portable clear screen function
void clearScreen() {
// Function to print the maze and remaining time
void printMaze(int remainingTime, time_t startTime) {
int elapsedTime = time(NULL) - startTime; // Calculate elapsed time
printf("\033[33m=== Level %d ===\033[0m\n// Remaining Time: \033[31m%d\033[0m seconds //\n", currentLevel, remainingTime);
printf("Press '\033[31mQ\033[0m' to save game and exit.\n");
for (int i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++) {
if (currentMaze[i][j] == WALL) {
printf("\033[31m█\033[0m"); // Red for walls
} else if (currentMaze[i][j] == PLAYER) {
printf("\033[32m%c\033[0m", PLAYER); // Green for player
} else if (currentMaze[i][j] == GOAL) {
printf("\033[33m%c\033[0m", GOAL); // Yellow for goal
} else if (currentMaze[i][j] == TRAP) {
// Make traps invisible if less than 10 seconds have passed
if (elapsedTime < 10) {
printf("%c", EMPTY); // Print empty space
} else {
printf("\033[35m%c\033[0m", TRAP); // Magenta for trap
} else {
printf("%c", currentMaze[i][j]); // Empty space
// Function to save the game state in text format
void saveGame() {
FILE *file = fopen(SAVE_FILE, "w"); // Open in text write mode
if (file == NULL) {
perror("Error saving game");
fprintf(file, "%d %d %d\n", playerX, playerY, currentLevel);
printf("Game saved successfully.\n");
// Function to load the game state from a text file
void loadGame() {
FILE *file = fopen(SAVE_FILE, "r"); // Open in text read mode
if (file == NULL) {
printf("No saved game found. Starting a new game...\n");
if (fscanf(file, "%d %d %d", &playerX, &playerY, ¤tLevel) != 3) {
printf("Error reading save file. Starting a new game...\n");
// Remove any existing 'P' from the maze
for (int i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++) {
if (currentMaze[i][j] == PLAYER) {
currentMaze[i][j] = EMPTY;
// Place player in the loaded position
currentMaze[playerY][playerX] = PLAYER;
printf("Game loaded successfully.\n");
// Function to display the menu
void displayMenu() {
printf("\033[45m === MAZE GAME === \033[0m\n\n");
printf("\033[31mTHE ONLY WAY TO WIN IS TO PLAY\n\n\033[0m");
printf("\033[33m1) Start new game.\n\n\033[0m");
printf("\033[33m2) Resume game.\n\n\033[0m");
printf("\033[33m3) Instructions.\n\n\033[0m");
printf("\033[33m4) About developers.\n\n\033[0m");
printf("\033[33m5) Quit.\n\n\033[0m");
printf("\033[36mChoose an option: \033[0m");
// Function to start a new game
void startNewGame() {
playerX = 1;
playerY = 1;
currentLevel = 1; // Reset to level 1
loadMaze(currentLevel); // Load the first maze
// Main game loop
void gameLoop() {
char input;
time_t startTime, currentTime;
int remainingTime;
while (1) {
startTime = time(NULL); // Record the start time of the level
// Run the level and count time for 60 seconds
while (1) {
currentTime = time(NULL); // Get the current time
remainingTime = 60 - difftime(currentTime, startTime); /// 60 seconds timer
// Check if the time is up
if (remainingTime <= 0) {
printf("Time's up! You failed to complete the level.\n");
return; // Return to the main menu
// Update the maze with remaining time
currentMaze[playerY][playerX] = PLAYER; // Update player position
printMaze(remainingTime, startTime); // Pass remaining time and start time to print function
input = _getch();
if (input == 'w' && currentMaze[playerY - 1][playerX] != WALL) {
currentMaze[playerY][playerX] = EMPTY;
} else if (input == 's' && currentMaze[playerY + 1][playerX] != WALL) {
currentMaze[playerY][playerX] = EMPTY;
} else if (input == 'a' && currentMaze[playerY][playerX - 1] != WALL) {
currentMaze[playerY][playerX] = EMPTY;
} else if (input == 'd' && currentMaze[playerY][playerX + 1] != WALL) {
currentMaze[playerY][playerX] = EMPTY;
} else if (input == 'q') {
printf("Thank you for playing. Exiting...\n");
// Check for goal
if (currentMaze[playerY][playerX] == GOAL) {
printf("Congratulations! You've reached the goal!\n");
playerX = 1;
playerY = 1;
break; // Exit level and reset the timer for the new level
// Check for trap
if (currentMaze[playerY][playerX] == TRAP) {
printf("You hit a trap! Game over!\n");
return; // Return to the main menu
int main() {
system("chcp 65001 > nul"); // Set terminal to UTF-8 encoding
int choice;
while (1) {
scanf("%d", &choice);
if (choice == 1) {
} else if (choice == 2) {
} else if (choice == 3) {
printf("=== Instructions ===\n\n");
printf("1. Objective:\n");
printf(" - Navigate the maze to reach the goal ('\033[33mG\033[0m') with in \033[31m30\033[0m second.\n");
printf(" - Avoid traps ('\033[35m*\033[0m') that will show up in \033[31m5\033[0m second from start.\n\n");
printf("2. Controls:\n");
printf(" - '\033[33mW\033[0m': Move Up\n");
printf(" - '\033[33mS\033[0m': Move Down\n");
printf(" - '\033[33mA\033[0m': Move Left\n");
printf(" - '\033[33mD\033[0m': Move Right\n\n");
printf("3. Obstacles:\n");
printf(" - Walls ('\033[31m█\033[0m'): You cannot pass through them.\n\n");
printf("4. Winning:\n");
printf(" - Reach the goal ('\033[33mG\033[0m') to advance to the next level.\n\n");
printf("Press any key to return to the menu...\n");
} else if (choice == 4) {
printf("=== About Developers ===\n\n");
printf("This game is developed by,\n\n");
printf("\033[33m1. Thasinur Mohian\033[0m\n\n");
printf("\033[33m2. Samidul Islam Emon\033[0m\n\n");
printf("\033[33m3. Minhaz Uddin\033[0m\n\n");
printf("Thank you for playing!\n\n");
printf("Press any key to return to the menu...\n");
} else if (choice == 5) {
printf("Thank you for playing! Goodbye!\n");
} else {
printf("Invalid choice. Try again.\n");
return 0;
i am expecting to solve my games blinking problem in the teminal