Currently I am fetching a collection that has over 1000 models which has a decent delay. How can I fetch 50 at a time? Also, is it possible to hit a "more" button to fetch another 50 that is not currently there?
Trying to advoid grabing the entire collection at once and have more of a "lazy loading" type of scheme.
Here is my current render method
render: function(){
var self = this
var collection = this.collection
var view = new TenantView({
model: tenant,
collection: collection
return this
Currently I am fetching a collection that has over 1000 models which has a decent delay. How can I fetch 50 at a time? Also, is it possible to hit a "more" button to fetch another 50 that is not currently there?
Trying to advoid grabing the entire collection at once and have more of a "lazy loading" type of scheme.
Here is my current render method
render: function(){
var self = this
var collection = this.collection
var view = new TenantView({
model: tenant,
collection: collection
return this
Improve this question
asked Nov 25, 2012 at 12:30
3 Answers
Reset to default 7You have to specify {add: true} and your pagination arguments in collection.fetch call. It will append to collection instead of reseting its contents.
collection.fetch({data: {page: 3}, add: true})
Then simply listen to collection's add
event and append item to your view.
UPDATE: in the current version of backbone you need to call:
collection.fetch({data: {page: 3}, remove: false});
From the backbone website under Collection method fetch.
Backbone.sync = function(method, model) {
alert(method + ": " + model.url);
var Accounts = new Backbone.Collection;
Accounts.url = '/accounts';
You could set a limit in the query string of the url like /accountants?offset=0&limit=50.
Limit the query results from your database using these variables (offset, limit).
Modify the query string variables after fetching the requested models so when the user presses a button or scrolls down on your page the request for the next batch of models would be /accountants?offset=50&limit=50
I would do this on the view itself, rather than overwriting sync
or fetch
Something like:
// when extending your view
initialize: function(options) {
this.collection.on('add', this.renderTenant, this);
events: {
// change the selector to match your "more" button
'click button.more': 'uiMore'
// Just tacking this on the view. You could make it an option, or whatever.
perPage: 50,
// this would produce a query with `offset` and `length`. Change it to
// however your request should paginate: page/perPage, just page, etc.
uiMore: function() {
var $more = this.$('.more');
var data = {};
data.offset = this.collection.length;
data.length = this.perPage;
$more.prop('disabled', true);
this.collection.fetch({data: data, add: true, success: function() {
$more.prop('disabled', false);
renderTenant: function(tenant) {
var view = new TenantView({
model: tenant,
collection: this.collection
render: function(){
return this;