I try the fireEvent to click outside or emitted 'update:modelValue' but the v-dailog element still visible. So how can I correctly simulate the closing behavior of v-dialog ? Thanks in advance for your help!
// ImportFile.test.js
it('opens and closes dialog when button is clicked', async () => {
// render the component
const wrapper = render(ImportFile, {
global: {
plugins: [createTestingPinia({createSpy: vi.fn}), vuetify],
attachTo: document.body
// check if the button is in the document
const button = wrapper.getByText('Import')
// ensure the dialog is not initially visible
const dialog = screen.queryByRole('dialog')
console.log(`before click: ${dialog}`)
// simulate a click event
await fireEvent.click(button);
// check if the dialog is now visible
const dialogAfterClick = screen.queryByRole('dialog')
console.log(`after click: ${dialogAfterClick === null ? 'hidden' : 'visible'}`)
// triggering dialog close
wrapper.emitted('update:modelValue', false)
await waitFor(() => {
const dialogAfterClose = screen.queryByRole('dialog')
console.log(`after close: ${dialogAfterClose === null ? 'hidden' : 'visible'}`)