I have some code in a Test Suite doing Kerberos authentication. These tests have been working as expected for years.
Recently I updated The Windows 11 machine running the tests and Windows update applied KB5050009. Since this particular update, function AcceptSecurityContext has been failing with code SEC_E_LOGON_DENIED (alias 0x8009030CL, alias The logon attempt failed).
I searched on the internet for any advice but could not find anything related to my issue.
On the client side, user [email protected]
is logged in and the code running goes something like this:
CredHandle credentials{};
TimeStamp lifetime{};
SecHandle securityContext{};
ULONG contextAttributes=0;
It works.
On the Server side, user [email protected]
is logged in:
CredHandle credentials{};
TimeStamp lifetime{};
SecHandle securityContext{};
ULONG attribs=0;
auto res=AcceptSecurityContext(&credentials,nullptr,&inBufferArray,attribs,
At this point res is SEC_E_LOGON_DENIED.
Any idea on how to make Kerberos live happily with KB5050009 ?
A few points worth mentionning:
- Compiler is latest version of Visual Studio (2022 17.12.4).
- SPN is correctly set.
- KDC is running latest version of Samba
- Rebooting doesn't help.
- Uninstalling KB5050009 solves the issue.
- If the Server side is launched by the SYSTEM account, authentication doesn't fail.