
android - Issues updating Koin dependencies to version 2.0.1 - Stack Overflow


am working on a project that uses the following Koin dependencies:

  • .koin:koin-android:1.0.2
  • .koin:koin-android-viewmodel:1.0.2
  • .koin:koin-androidx-scope:1.0.2

The problem is that these versions are no longer available in the JCenter or MavenCentral repositories. Instead, the .koin dependencies are now located in a different folder but only starting from version 2.0.1.

When I update the dependencies to version 2.0.1, the project crashes without any clear error in the logs.

Has anyone faced similar issues when updating these dependencies? Are there any significant changes I should be aware of to successfully migrate to version 2.0.1?

I would appreciate any guidance or solutions.



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