
javascript - DevExtreme dxGrid lookup column form display id instead of DisplayExpr - Stack Overflow


I am using DevExtreme dxGrid to display and edit data for users, and I have a lookup column to chose the user department. The data display in grid correctly but after I press the edit button and the popup form show up the lookup field display the id value of the department, not the value specified in DisplayExpr, but when I click the dropdown the values displayed correctly.

I have searched a lot on the DevExpress site and tried everything they said about type mismatch between the data source and JS and nothing works.

The cshtml code:

            .DataSource(d => d.WebApi().Controller("UsersApi").Key("Id").LoadAction("GetUsers").UpdateAction("Put"))
            .ColumnChooser(c => c.Enabled(true))
            .GroupPanel(groupPanel => groupPanel.Visible(true))
            .Editing(e =>
            .Columns(c =>
                c.Add().DataField("FullName").Caption("Full Name").Width("200");
                    .CellTemplate(new JS("created_CellTemplate"))
                c.Add().DataField("CreatedBy").Caption("Created By").Visible(false).ShowInColumnChooser(true).AllowEditing(false).Width("120");

                    .Caption("Latest Access")
                    .CellTemplate(new JS("latestAccess_CellTemplate"))

                    .Caption("Latest Login")
                    .CellTemplate(new JS("latestLogin_CellTemplate"))
                c.Add().DataField("LastLoginIP").Caption("Latest Login IP").AllowEditing(false).Width("150");
                    lookup => lookup
                    .DataSource(d => d.WebApi()

            .Summary(c =>
                c.TotalItems(cc => cc.Add().Column("UserName").SummaryType(SummaryType.Count));
            .Paging(paging => paging.PageSize(25))
            .Pager(pager =>
                pager.AllowedPageSizes(new List<int> { 10, 25, 50 });
            .FilterRow(filterRow => filterRow
            .SearchPanel(searchPanel => searchPanel


    function created_CellTemplate(cellElement, cellInfo) {

        var tipid = cellInfo.data.Id;
        var sitetextid = cellInfo.data.Id + "s";

        $("<div id=" + tipid + "></div><div id=" + sitetextid + "><div>").text(cellInfo.data.ElapsedTime).appendTo(cellElement);

        $("#" + tipid).dxTooltip({
            target: "#" + sitetextid,
            showEvent: "dxhoverstart",
            hideEvent: "dxhoverend",
            position: "top",
            contentTemplate: function (contentElement) {

                var utcDate = new Date(cellInfo.data.CreatedUtc);
                contentElement.html("<b>" + convertUtcToLocal(utcDate) + "</b>");

    function last_CellTemplate(cellElement, cellValue, cellDisplayValue, tipId, cellTextId) {
        if (cellDisplayValue === 'N/A') {
            $("<div id=" + tipId + "></div>").text(cellDisplayValue).appendTo(cellElement);
        } else {
            $("<div id=" + tipId + "></div><div id=" + cellTextId + "><div>").text(cellDisplayValue).appendTo(cellElement);
            $("#" + tipId).dxTooltip({
                target: "#" + cellTextId,
                showEvent: "dxhoverstart",
                hideEvent: "dxhoverend",
                position: "top",
                contentTemplate: function (contentElement) {
                    var utcDate = new Date(cellValue);
                    contentElement.html("<b>" + convertUtcToLocal(utcDate) + "</b>");


    function latestAccess_CellTemplate(cellElement, cellInfo) {
        var tipid = 'la_' + cellInfo.data.Id;
        var sitetextid = 'la_' + cellInfo.data.Id + "s";

        last_CellTemplate(cellElement, cellInfo.data.LastAccessUtc, cellInfo.data.LastAccessStr, tipid, sitetextid);
    function latestLogin_CellTemplate(cellElement, cellInfo) {
        var tipid = 'll_' + cellInfo.data.Id;
        var sitetextid = 'll_' + cellInfo.data.Id + "s";

        last_CellTemplate(cellElement, cellInfo.data.LastLoginUtc, cellInfo.data.LastLoginStr, tipid, sitetextid);

    function OnToolbarPreparing(e) {
        var dataGrid = eponent;
        var toolbarItems = e.toolbarOptions.items;

            widget: 'dxButton',
            options: { icon: 'refresh', onClick: function () { dataGrid.refresh(); } },
            location: 'after'

            widget: 'dxButton',
            options: {
                icon: 'filter',
                hint: 'Show Filters',
                onClick: function (data) {
                    dataGrid.option('filterRow.visible', !dataGrid.option('filterRow.visible'));
            location: 'after'

            widget: 'dxButton',
            options: {
                icon: 'add',
                hint: 'New User',
                onClick: function (data) {
                    window.location.href = '/Admin/AddUser';
            location: 'after'

    function OnEditorPreparing(e) {
        if (e.dataField === 'Role') {
            e.cancel = true;
            var selectBox = $('<div id="role-editor"></div>').dxSelectBox({
                dataSource: "/Admin/GetAllRoles",
                value: e.value,
                onValueChanged: function (ev) {

    function cell_prepared(e) {
        if (e.rowType === "data" && e.columnmand === "edit") {
            var isEditing = e.row.isEditing,
                $links = e.cellElement.find(".dx-link");


            if (isEditing) {
            } else {


The problem in the departmentId column.

The UsersApiController.cs code:

 public class UsersApiController : Controller
    private readonly UserManager<ApplicationUser> _userManager;
    private readonly IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;

    public UsersApiController(UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager, IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
        _userManager = userManager;
        _unitOfWork = unitOfWork;

    public async Task<IActionResult> GetUsers()
        var users = new List<UserViewModel>();

        foreach (var user in _unitOfWork.ApplicationUsers.GetAll())
            if (user.UserName.ToLower() == "admin")
            var userRoles = await _userManager.GetRolesAsync(user);
            var userToAdd = new UserViewModel
                Id = user.Id,
                UserName = user.UserName,
                FullName = user.FullName,
                Email = user.Email,
                IsActive = user.IsActive,
                PhoneNumber = user.PhoneNumber,
                CreatedUtc = user.CreatedUtc,
                ElapsedTime = DateHelper.GetElapsedTime(user.CreatedUtc),
                Role = user.Role,
                LastAccessUtc = user.LastAccess,
                LastAccessStr = DateHelper.GetElapsedTime(user.LastAccess),
                LastLoginIP = user.LastLoginIP,
                LastLoginUtc = user.LastLogin,
                LastLoginStr = DateHelper.GetElapsedTime(user.LastLogin),
                CreatedBy = user.CreatedByUsername,

        return Ok(users);

The DepartmentsApiController.cs code:

 public class DepartmentsApiController : Controller
    private readonly UserManager<ApplicationUser> _userManager;
    private readonly IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;

    public DepartmentsApiController(UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager, IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
        _userManager = userManager;
        _unitOfWork = unitOfWork;

    public IActionResult GetDepartment()
        var dep = _unitOfWork.DepartmentsRep.GetAll();

        return Ok(dep);

Please note that the departmentId is of type Guid. I also tried replacing the Guid type with string type and the problem still the same. I also tried using int instead of Guid in the UsersApi and DepatementsApi and the problem still the same. I am trying this because in DevExpress site they said this problem because of type mismatch. I have included an image showing the problem.

I am using DevExtreme dxGrid to display and edit data for users, and I have a lookup column to chose the user department. The data display in grid correctly but after I press the edit button and the popup form show up the lookup field display the id value of the department, not the value specified in DisplayExpr, but when I click the dropdown the values displayed correctly.

I have searched a lot on the DevExpress site and tried everything they said about type mismatch between the data source and JS and nothing works.

The cshtml code:

            .DataSource(d => d.WebApi().Controller("UsersApi").Key("Id").LoadAction("GetUsers").UpdateAction("Put"))
            .ColumnChooser(c => c.Enabled(true))
            .GroupPanel(groupPanel => groupPanel.Visible(true))
            .Editing(e =>
            .Columns(c =>
                c.Add().DataField("FullName").Caption("Full Name").Width("200");
                    .CellTemplate(new JS("created_CellTemplate"))
                c.Add().DataField("CreatedBy").Caption("Created By").Visible(false).ShowInColumnChooser(true).AllowEditing(false).Width("120");

                    .Caption("Latest Access")
                    .CellTemplate(new JS("latestAccess_CellTemplate"))

                    .Caption("Latest Login")
                    .CellTemplate(new JS("latestLogin_CellTemplate"))
                c.Add().DataField("LastLoginIP").Caption("Latest Login IP").AllowEditing(false).Width("150");
                    lookup => lookup
                    .DataSource(d => d.WebApi()

            .Summary(c =>
                c.TotalItems(cc => cc.Add().Column("UserName").SummaryType(SummaryType.Count));
            .Paging(paging => paging.PageSize(25))
            .Pager(pager =>
                pager.AllowedPageSizes(new List<int> { 10, 25, 50 });
            .FilterRow(filterRow => filterRow
            .SearchPanel(searchPanel => searchPanel


    function created_CellTemplate(cellElement, cellInfo) {

        var tipid = cellInfo.data.Id;
        var sitetextid = cellInfo.data.Id + "s";

        $("<div id=" + tipid + "></div><div id=" + sitetextid + "><div>").text(cellInfo.data.ElapsedTime).appendTo(cellElement);

        $("#" + tipid).dxTooltip({
            target: "#" + sitetextid,
            showEvent: "dxhoverstart",
            hideEvent: "dxhoverend",
            position: "top",
            contentTemplate: function (contentElement) {

                var utcDate = new Date(cellInfo.data.CreatedUtc);
                contentElement.html("<b>" + convertUtcToLocal(utcDate) + "</b>");

    function last_CellTemplate(cellElement, cellValue, cellDisplayValue, tipId, cellTextId) {
        if (cellDisplayValue === 'N/A') {
            $("<div id=" + tipId + "></div>").text(cellDisplayValue).appendTo(cellElement);
        } else {
            $("<div id=" + tipId + "></div><div id=" + cellTextId + "><div>").text(cellDisplayValue).appendTo(cellElement);
            $("#" + tipId).dxTooltip({
                target: "#" + cellTextId,
                showEvent: "dxhoverstart",
                hideEvent: "dxhoverend",
                position: "top",
                contentTemplate: function (contentElement) {
                    var utcDate = new Date(cellValue);
                    contentElement.html("<b>" + convertUtcToLocal(utcDate) + "</b>");


    function latestAccess_CellTemplate(cellElement, cellInfo) {
        var tipid = 'la_' + cellInfo.data.Id;
        var sitetextid = 'la_' + cellInfo.data.Id + "s";

        last_CellTemplate(cellElement, cellInfo.data.LastAccessUtc, cellInfo.data.LastAccessStr, tipid, sitetextid);
    function latestLogin_CellTemplate(cellElement, cellInfo) {
        var tipid = 'll_' + cellInfo.data.Id;
        var sitetextid = 'll_' + cellInfo.data.Id + "s";

        last_CellTemplate(cellElement, cellInfo.data.LastLoginUtc, cellInfo.data.LastLoginStr, tipid, sitetextid);

    function OnToolbarPreparing(e) {
        var dataGrid = e.ponent;
        var toolbarItems = e.toolbarOptions.items;

            widget: 'dxButton',
            options: { icon: 'refresh', onClick: function () { dataGrid.refresh(); } },
            location: 'after'

            widget: 'dxButton',
            options: {
                icon: 'filter',
                hint: 'Show Filters',
                onClick: function (data) {
                    dataGrid.option('filterRow.visible', !dataGrid.option('filterRow.visible'));
            location: 'after'

            widget: 'dxButton',
            options: {
                icon: 'add',
                hint: 'New User',
                onClick: function (data) {
                    window.location.href = '/Admin/AddUser';
            location: 'after'

    function OnEditorPreparing(e) {
        if (e.dataField === 'Role') {
            e.cancel = true;
            var selectBox = $('<div id="role-editor"></div>').dxSelectBox({
                dataSource: "/Admin/GetAllRoles",
                value: e.value,
                onValueChanged: function (ev) {

    function cell_prepared(e) {
        if (e.rowType === "data" && e.column.mand === "edit") {
            var isEditing = e.row.isEditing,
                $links = e.cellElement.find(".dx-link");


            if (isEditing) {
            } else {


The problem in the departmentId column.

The UsersApiController.cs code:

 public class UsersApiController : Controller
    private readonly UserManager<ApplicationUser> _userManager;
    private readonly IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;

    public UsersApiController(UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager, IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
        _userManager = userManager;
        _unitOfWork = unitOfWork;

    public async Task<IActionResult> GetUsers()
        var users = new List<UserViewModel>();

        foreach (var user in _unitOfWork.ApplicationUsers.GetAll())
            if (user.UserName.ToLower() == "admin")
            var userRoles = await _userManager.GetRolesAsync(user);
            var userToAdd = new UserViewModel
                Id = user.Id,
                UserName = user.UserName,
                FullName = user.FullName,
                Email = user.Email,
                IsActive = user.IsActive,
                PhoneNumber = user.PhoneNumber,
                CreatedUtc = user.CreatedUtc,
                ElapsedTime = DateHelper.GetElapsedTime(user.CreatedUtc),
                Role = user.Role,
                LastAccessUtc = user.LastAccess,
                LastAccessStr = DateHelper.GetElapsedTime(user.LastAccess),
                LastLoginIP = user.LastLoginIP,
                LastLoginUtc = user.LastLogin,
                LastLoginStr = DateHelper.GetElapsedTime(user.LastLogin),
                CreatedBy = user.CreatedByUsername,

        return Ok(users);

The DepartmentsApiController.cs code:

 public class DepartmentsApiController : Controller
    private readonly UserManager<ApplicationUser> _userManager;
    private readonly IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;

    public DepartmentsApiController(UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager, IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
        _userManager = userManager;
        _unitOfWork = unitOfWork;

    public IActionResult GetDepartment()
        var dep = _unitOfWork.DepartmentsRep.GetAll();

        return Ok(dep);

Please note that the departmentId is of type Guid. I also tried replacing the Guid type with string type and the problem still the same. I also tried using int instead of Guid in the UsersApi and DepatementsApi and the problem still the same. I am trying this because in DevExpress site they said this problem because of type mismatch. I have included an image showing the problem.

Share Improve this question edited Mar 30, 2018 at 6:24 Vivek Nuna 1 asked Mar 24, 2018 at 20:24 AlaaLAlaaL 3431 gold badge9 silver badges30 bronze badges 2
  • If I remember correctly you have to add column to the Lookup as well in order for it to work. – ZiggZagg Commented Apr 2, 2018 at 14:03
  • What is the type of User.DepartmentId and Department.DepartmentId. It sounds like there might be a type missmatch between these two. – Robert Commented Apr 3, 2018 at 10:58
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1 Answer 1

Reset to default 5 +100

First of all your sample code has some problems, your DepartmentsApiController inherits from Controller but returns Ok(), it should inherit from ApiController instead, second, your GetDepartment action returns a IActionResult, it should return a IHttpActionResult

Now after these considerations here is the answer to your question, the problem is on your GetDepartment Action, it looks like this

public IActionResult GetDepartment()
    var dep = _unitOfWork.DepartmentsRep.GetAll();

    return Ok(dep);

But should look like this

 public HttpResponseMessage GetDepartment(DataSourceLoadOptions oadOptions)
            var dep = _unitOfWork.DepartmentsRep.GetAll();

            return Request.CreateResponse(DataSourceLoader.Load(dep, loadOptions));

Here you can see a DevExpress official sample code


            .Caption("Shipping Company")
            .Lookup(lookup => lookup
                .DataSource(d => d.WebApi().Controller("GridData").LoadAction("ShippersLookup").Key("Value"))


public HttpResponseMessage ShippersLookup(DataSourceLoadOptions loadOptions)
            var lookup = from i in _nwind.Shippers
                         orderby i.CompanyName
                         select new
                             Value = i.ShipperID,
                             Text = i.CompanyName

            return Request.CreateResponse(DataSourceLoader.Load(lookup, loadOptions));


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