
node.js - Is there a way to get event ID from a webhook in Shopify Admin API - Stack Overflow


I am trying to get a webhook's event ID (Event - REST). In the webhook headers I get the following

HeadersList {
cookies: null,
   [Symbol(headers map)]: Map(18) {
'accept' => { name: 'accept', value: '*/*' },
'host' => {
name: 'host',
value: 'XX.ngrok-free.app'
'user-agent' => { name: 'user-agent', value: 'Shopify-Captain-Hook' },
'accept-encoding' => {
name: 'accept-encoding',
value: 'gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3'
'content-type' => { name: 'content-type', value: 'application/json' },
'content-length' => { name: 'content-length', value: '19350' },
'x-forwarded-for' => { name: 'x-forwarded-for', value: 'XX.148.XX1.1' },
'x-forwarded-host' => {
name: 'x-forwarded-host',
value: 'XX.ngrok-free.app'
'x-forwarded-proto' => { name: 'x-forwarded-proto', value: 'https' },
'x-shopify-api-version' => { name: 'x-shopify-api-version', value: '2025-01' },
'x-shopify-event-id'=> {
name: 'x-shopify-event-id',
value: '90f522ae-8ea3-4fa7-b64c-fb28c10ddd02'
'x-shopify-hmac-sha256' => {
name: 'x-shopify-hmac-sha256',
value: 'XX'
'x-shopify-order-id' => { name: 'x-shopify-order-id', value: '55841273612661' },
'x-shopify-shop-domain' => {
name: 'x-shopify-shop-domain',
value: 'XX.myshopify'
'x-shopify-test' => { name: 'x-shopify-test', value: 'false' },
'x-shopify-topic' => { name: 'x-shopify-topic', value: 'orders/updated' },
'x-shopify-triggered-at' => {
name: 'x-shopify-triggered-at',
value: '2025-01-24T21:53:22.035731883Z'
'x-shopify-webhook-id' => {
name: 'x-shopify-webhook-id',
value: '92e92734-9b44-40a7-8a68-78fcb9eaa740'
   [Symbol(headers map sorted)]: null

I can see the x-shopify-event-id in there but to get the event using the API I need a numeric ID. Am I missing something? Is there a way to get event ID from the webhook?

P.S. -> My goal is finding out who initiated the webhook. If I can get the eventID of the webhook, I can use it to get the event author. (If someone know another way to get the initiator, please let me know)



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