
Tabulator dataTree updateData() _children elements - Stack Overflow


I am taking advantage of Tabulator's dataTree module to represent data anized into categories. I have the ability to manipulate the state of the _children nested data and would like to convey this state to the table. I've tried to update a single sub row, via updateData() by passing:

{ id: "unique_id", column1: "foo", column2: "bar", _children: [ { id: "another_id", column1: "foo", ...} ] }

However, if I had say 10 entries in _children, the array will be reduced to my single update. Is there a means to update a single child without having to process the whole parent categorical element?

Here is an example fiddle of the behavior I'm seeing when trying to update a single row in _children: /

Additionally, it looks like if I don't include all fields of the child, those will be lost as well.

I think my fallback would be to supply the entire parent row to include all children plus the update, but for my circumstance, I could end up with several updates in a short window and would rather not send such a large update if I can help it.

Thank you for your assistance!



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